Is there a closed APP group on Facebook?
Question: Is there a closed APP group... - Action on Postpar...
Hi Staceypx
No this is the only group for APP. You can write whatever you want to here though. You can probably see from the posts that we're a supportive group.
Take care
Hello Staceypx
Just to add that if you write a post here you have the option of it only being available to mums on the forum ....... there's a 'padlock' which will prevent anything you say appearing elsewhere. There is no one here to judge or offend so if we can help, we are all here to listen .....
Take good care of yourself.
Ah ok. I saw my gp again today he came to my home and his bringing another gp on Friday and they want to admit me into a mhu which I'm ok about now as I know that's the only way forward. I was all positive about it earlier and on a "high" now I've dropped right down and just want to kill myself :/
Please ring the GP back ASAP - they could bring second Doctor today if you explain how serious your needs are (sounds very from thoughts). As you have your head round going (best thing) then the sooner the better xx
Hello Staceypx, I'm a mum of 2 daughters, one with pp, one with bipolar symptoms. I've seen how hard it can be but please believe me , it will get so much better. My girl with pp was in an MBU ( not in the UK) which was such a relief for her to be able to ask for help whenever she had worries about herself and her baby. Also you've found the right place on this site. People are so knowledgeable, supportive And reassuring. You can be Open and honest about you feelings here safely. I have learned a lot. If you're in the UK , I hope you managed to get some sleep last night.
Love to you and your family. Best wishes for Friday. X
Hi Staceypx
I agree mbu is definitely the best place for you. You won't be separated from your baby and you'll get really good support, they are especially trained to support women who are in your situation. If you phone GP and say you want to go in voluntarily you may be admitted straight away which sounds like would really be the best thing. You'll be safe and as others have said you'll be able to talk to anyone whenever you need to. Don't hesitate to get in touch with the GP if you are having thoughts about killing yourself. Those are scary and serious thoughts, don't suffer alone.
Take care thinking of you
Hello Staceypx
I'm sorry to hear you sound very low but this is all part of your illness. With the specialist care in the MBU you will feel much better about yourself and caring for baby. I had the same thoughts many years ago but with good medical care I fully recovered, which you will eventually.
Please try to fight those negative feelings and ring your GP for help. It's not easy for you at the moment but if you go to the MBU you will have so much care and help to get through this.
Stay safe and please be guided by your care team ......
Hello Staceypx
I hope you have been ok today. Did you contact your GP about how low you were feeling? I hope you still realise that the MBU is the best place for you right now. When you're feeling so low it's hard to make decisions but you will be safe and have time for yourself and your baby in such a unit.
I was sectioned via A & E and woke up in a general psychiatric hospital! I had various treatments and eventually fully recovered. The thoughts you are having are not your own, more of a cry for help, so please take care and let us know how you are feeling if you can.
You will get through this ..... we all have. This forum is a great place to tell it like it is and we can all understand.
Hi lilyBeth. No I didn't contact anyone how I was feeling. Not wanting to be here anymore is a natural part of me nowadays so I've learned to ride with it. Yes I still think a mbu is the best place for me right now. I have two doctors coming round Friday to discuss this with me. I worry though as sh is how I stay alive now and won't be able to sh in a mbu. I NEED TO SH and I think taking that away from someone is not what should happen as that will send me more physco.
I've been in a general psychiatric ward before. I know the thoughts aren't my own. Why do people say that it's a cry for help? The very first od I took was a cry for help but I'm not crying for help anymore. I will try and let you know how I am feeling but often can't plunge sentances together.
Hello Staceypx
Good to hear from you. I'm glad you think the MBU is the best place for you. I think when you are there you will have so much support. During my PP I heard voices commanding me to self harm which was very frightening but all part of the illness. It will take time ....... I think my self harm was a cry for help as I didn't know what was happening and the voices took over until I had professional help. I had to be watched 24 / 7 at home with my second PP and went back into psychiatric care in times of crisis (of which there were many). There were no MBUs then.
It's a lot to go through but you will recover and be able to enjoy good times with your baby. Thanks for taking the time to talk.
Dear Staceypx,
Like all the other females on this forum I had Post Partum Psychosis. You can trust participants on this website and keep communicating. When you are poorly it is very difficult to put pen to paper, but it is good to off load.
Your thoughts are not out of the ordinary when struggling. I was not in an MBU, but in a Psychiatric Unit. Your health will improve once you have the right support and treatment. When you feel down and lonely, just keep writing on here. Members of staff and volunteers are here for you, and mums, who are thinking of you.
Hope help will be there as soon as possible for you.
Sabine x
Hi Staceypx
I've just read your thread on this and i think you have been really brave to seek help from professionals. How did it go today? Is there a plan to go to the MBU?
Thinking of you. We all are. Hope the suicidal thoughts are dropping away.
Spaghetti x
Hi. I can barely string a sentance together so will message you back soon. It went OK today..I think that's the plan a mbu yes they're going to phone round. Unfortunately the suicidal thoughts aren't dropping away x
Hello Staceypx
Good to know it went ok today, you're probably exhausted now. I hope you will be found a place soon. Sorry the intrusive thoughts are not going away. You have probably tried to distract yourself by listening to music but I hope medication will help eventually. Have you been given a crisis number to call?
Don't worry about sentences as long as you can just let us know you're ok ......
Please stay safe, even ring the Samaritans if you need to talk during the night, 116 123. We're all thinking of you.
Hi Staceypx
So sorry you're still feeling suicidal. Hang in there, I really hope you'll be in the mbu really soon where you'll be safe and get the support you really need. Do phone samaritans as lilyBeth suggested or go to a and e if you're feeling really bad. I do hope you get the support you deserve and need really soon. Thinking of you xx
Thinking of you! Sabine x
Hello Stacey
Just to let you know we are all thinking of you and hope you are ok.
Stay safe and take care.