I had a healthy pregnancy until I was 4 months .. Began vomiting 4x daily after everything I ate everything made me very sick. Called my OB and he put me on zofran that was very helpfull ... I had an ultrasound done at 5 months the ultrasound tech saw fluid in the babys lungs so they sent me to have a level 5 ultra sound done when I went there they said everything looked fine and to come back in one month .... When I went back for another level 5 ultra sound she said that it does not look good and the baby has not grown since my last visit .... She told me to come back in a
week and we will make a decision .. After I left I called my OB to make an appointment to talk about what we should do when I got to my apt he took my BP and then walked out of the room .. He Came back and said u need to go to the hospital right away ... My BP was 198/120 I went straight to the hospital and they told me I have been suffering from pre eclampsia they put me on magnesium.. They also did a number of tests and urine samples ... They told me that my placenta was not working properly and there was no blood getting to the baby and also no fluid so they baby could not grow I was 24 weeks pregnate but the baby was only measured 20 weeks . Doctors told me the only way to cure pre eclampsia is delivery and my baby girl is to small to be saved . The next day they put me on pills to get contractions started and only 2 hours later I delivered my stillborn baby girl 300mg 8 1/5 inches .... 3-21-14