Emetaphobia: i suffer from emetaphobia which... - Anxiety Support

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6 Replies

i suffer from emetaphobia which is starting to take over my life with the current Norovirus outbreak, is anyone else in the same situation?

6 Replies
ellabella profile image

Oh you poor Shrimpton! I have wondered about this virus affecting people and it's awful for you. All I can think of is investing in some of those paper masks that I have seen being worn in public. I don't know anything about emetaphobia but you can bet someone will be along that does know x Ella x

BriarRose profile image

Hi hun - I used to suffer from emetaphobia, don't now - but I do know No Panic have - or had - a video/dvd on it. Don't know how good it is, cos never plucked up courage to watch it lol, but you could have a look - google No Panic then go to their Resources or Bookshop and you should find it! Good luck!




Thanks ellabella and rose, i just had a look at the no panic dvd, it says its shows someone being sick in real life which is definatly something i am not ready to try and watch at the moment, eek! How did you manage to get over it? x

BriarRose profile image
BriarRose in reply to

I don't know, Shrimpton, it just went - but the DVD builds up to a real-life vomiting slowly, I think - a form of gradual exposure they use for a lot of phobias - like, looking at a pic of small spider, then a bigger one, and so on. Yu don't just turn on the DVD and get presented with someone being sick! :-O

My emetephobia related to fear of choking on my own vomit (sorry, bit gross) in a panic attack and dying!!!!. The counsellor i was seeing at the time emailed all the doctors at her practice - not MY doctors, cos i thought they'd just pat me on the head and say don't be silly dear. The doctors were great,all replied saying that it was as near impossible as it could be - and that cured it!

Don;t know if that helps?




hairyfairy profile image

I know exactly how you feel, I have a degree of emetophobia, it doesn`t exactly rule my life, but I really hate this time of the year because it seems to be everywhere, & I feel paranoid that it`s out to get me personally. I haven`t had it yet, touch wood, I`m sure that it`s because I`m fantical about handwashing, especially when I`m out & surrounded by people. Have you heard of emetophobia international, I`m a member, & it`s a very supportive site.

Thanks for the site reccommendation i had not heard of it but have just had a look and it is brilliant. I tried to register but it said it thought i was a spammer (?) so i have emailed them. I had my first appointment with a counsellor today too so i am hoping that that may help too. I just want this norovirus thing to go away. I am the same as you i am obsessed with washing my hands and counting to 20, using a paper towel to open doors etc etc. Although i suppose if everyone else did the same as us we probably wouldnt be in the midst of an epidemic! x

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