I have had a stomach upset for four days and have not been able to eat and only keep sips of water down. I have been taking my warfarin every day but wonder if this will affect its level and should I contact my clinic?
I have had a stomach upset for four d... - Anticoagulation S...
I have had a stomach upset for four days. Will this affect my INR level?
Yes, there is a good possibility your INR will be outside your Theraputic Time Range. You should always speak to your anticoagulation nurse for further advice about having your INR checked sooner than your next pre-arranged test. I am a great believer of self-testing after suffering three acute PE's and now feel much safer looking after my own healthcare. I am willing to help Anyone thinking of self-testing or Self-dosing, as they will need to justify their decision. Do not expect to walk into your GP surgery and expect to be allowed to self-test or self- dose. My own finding were only 50% in Theraputic Time Range (TTR) under the anticoagulation nurse but achieve 90% TTR by self-testing and self-dosing.
Please don't hesitate in contracting me for further non-medical advice on self- testing and self-dosing.
Kind regards