Hello. I was diagnosed with AF back in early November, was hospitalized for a week. I am looking for any other shared situations like mine at the moment. My medications are currently bisoprolol 5 mgs., furosemide 40 mgs. , baby aspirin, and Xarelto 20 mgs. , . It is the blood thinner Xarelto that I'm seeking info on. Since being put on it since from when in hospital all has been relatively ok, that was, until a week ago last Wednesday. I caught a good cold from my youngest grand daughter and was coughing quite a bit from it along with a fair amount of sneezing also. Did not think much about it at all, it was just the usual cold symptoms to put up with. But, while laying on the sofa, I had to cough a bit harder than usual, and that's when I felt a mild pain on my right side along the trunk area which I thought could have just been a strain in that area. Well, the next day getting ready to shower I saw and actually was quite taken back by the image in the mirror, the entire half, from my navel to my back, the entire lower right side of my trunk area was a rainbow of purple and shades of red, and a bit sore to the touch. I knew that I coughed hard the night before, but then I started to think more about the Xarelto, I started to look up a few things before calling the doctor a bit later and was amazed at the information I read about. She all but confirmed my observation with what I was suffering with, a Rectus Sheath hematoma. She mentioned that while not extremely common, these things do happen with more elderly patients who are prescribed these blood thinners. I also mentioned that the discoloration had also spread down to my "private area", which didn't surprise her, she said that wherever there are blood vessels it can be affected. I read that these can take months to heal and go away, but what now? Does this mean that from here on out, if I get coughing or sneezing from a cold or allergy that this will happen again? I asked her if I should for the time being stop the Xarelto, and was told with an alarming NO!! She said to take Tylonol for pain and basically just wait for it to heal. So, with all that, am I now doomed to have this happening maybe all the time because of the Xarelto?? Thank you so much for any other info or guidence.
So glad to have found this site. - Anticoagulation S...
So glad to have found this site.

I would also be concerned with such apparently "excessive" bleeding, which is listed as a possible side-effect of xarelto. Other Forum members report having to switch to a different DOAC (from their initial prescription) because of an experience of intolerable side-effects. And sometimes it takes more than one switch to find one best suited to you.
Side-effects vary from patient to patient, and you are entitled to request a change to find a DOAC more suitable.
I also suggest you do some research online for comparative studies on major bleeding risks associated with the various DOACs.
Good luck.
Hi ozziebob. I did post a similar question on the AF site, but got very few replies. When I saw there was an anticoagulation site, I thought for sure I would get replies for the problem I'm experiencing, maybe not many people have this problem, or, never had it. I greatly appreciate your input, for right now it's a waiting game for me, to see if it gets better in a few days, or trying to make an appointment with cardio doc or walking into the ER. I don't think making the effort to mow the lawn yesterday did any favors for me either.
Ah, "the smell of cut grass in the morning" ... very healing ... but not since I was a teenager. Damn!
And I would have thought the exercise would have helped the healing, not made it worse. Extra blood flow to repair damaged muscles?🤔
I would still be thinking about a possible switch of DOAC. Do the research, and good luck.
ozziebob, thank you so much. I'll post with any up-dates.
Neither of us has mentioned that the additional medication of aspirin might have added to your bleeding? Did the GP not say anything about that?
In fact I was so concerned I checked the interactions on drugs.com and here's the worrying results returned ...
Hi ozziebob. Please forgive me for the late reply. I sometimes also forget about the time differences also with being in the U.S. . I called my doctor to check for a different blood thinner, they want me to keep taking what I'm already on, but, they told me I could stop my daily baby aspirin, with much thanks to you with what you have found. I am truly humbled. Now, I just hope that this oblique bruise or hematoma just eventually goes away, to look at it is truly frightning. But again ozziebob, thank you so much----------Mike
Thanks for update and am really pleased that the info was more than helpful. So your "coughing damage" really did lead to positive news in the end.
It reminds me of the Chinese proverb "it's an ill wind indeed that doesn't blow someone somewhere some good".🤔
Your blood should get reabsorbed in time.
Actually, I'm still a bit confused about your use of aspirin. When I check your Bio I find no mention of aspirin? It was only because aspirin was listed as a "Related tags" that my ears "pricked up". But I've no idea how the "Related tags" list is composed. So I didn't really know for sure that you were taking a daily "baby aspirin" when I wrote of my concerns re it's concurrent use with Xarelto. Lucky I was so "interested". Was the aspirin initially prescribed for a particular medical reason?
Further, the reason why I was/am so personally "interested" in bleeding caused by the use of DOACs, particularly intracranial bleeding, is because I suffered unexplained (medical term "spontaneous") acute bilateral subdural haematomas in 2017. I have so far declined to start the apixaban I was prescribed for my pAF mainly out of my fear that, living alone, a repeat bleed could leave me incapacitated before I was able to call for help. I keep this decision under continuous review and try to chase the latest research into the bleed and stroke risks of all the DOACs and Warfarin.
However, and further to your "excessive" bleeding event, I do know that if you or anyone had suffered an intracranial bleed like mine while taking both a DOAC and aspirin, well the catastrophic consequences of that don't bear thinking about.
Hi ozziebob. Well, I had a heart attack in 2009, and I had been taking a daily aspirin pretty much through the whole period to now. With the onset of this AF, it was recommended to also take a baby aspirin while I am on Xarelto, the pamphlet for Xarelto mentions about taking a baby aspirin with it. I had no idea that I was actually setting myself up for this latest episode with my oblique trauma. It is totally understood also with your situation. I have stopped taking my fish oils also, along with things like turmeric and garlic which might thin the blood even more.
Thanks for update. I realise now, and your reply confirms it, that the "Related tags" list comes from the meds you list as treatments for your listed medical conditions.
Re your medical history, I can see better now the difficult situation you are in having to balance the risks between a major bleeding event and another heart attack. And the information that "the pamphlet for Xarelto mentions about taking a baby aspirin with it", only complicates your choice.🤔 Of course I am reassured that you sought and obtained the agreement of your doctor for the change of meds you made.
Good luck going forward my friend, bob.
That's what I was thinking-Just got onto this site, as I take edoxaban 60mg. Adding Aspirin too, is maybe not good idea, unless it was for the initial treatment, but was supposed to be stopped after the first episode. Definitley question that. The Edoxaban I find is fine, one a day, anf if you have to have a procedure, dentist, surgery etc, it's easy to stop and restart.
Your timing is interesting as I've just watched a video about the upcoming Phase 3 trials for the newer Factor XI inhibition anticoagulants, and which I'm hopeful might be useful for patients like me.
This summary explains the hopes associated with these Factor XI anticoagulants ...
"Since Factor XI is primarily involved in the amplification of clotting (rather than the initiation), inhibiting it reduces the risk of abnormal clot formation without excessively interfering with normal hemostasis, making these drugs effective in preventing thrombosis while maintaining a lower bleeding risk compared to other anticoagulants that affect the more upstream components of the clotting cascade".
PS. I just noticed this is an Anticoagulation Support Post, so can I suggest it would be worth Posting your question on Atrial Fibrillation Support as well because you will likely get more replies there.