Hi, just looking some advice, I'm new to this. I got multiple PEs in both lungs in February (I'm 31, and they couldn't find an answer as to why or how I got them) .. I was put on Apixaban and had a terrible time with the blood clots, luckily they are gone now, but because they dont no how I got them, I'll be on Apixaban for "life" incase they come back. But from I started the Apixaban in feb I get extremely bad headaches! Iv been to hospital multiple times thinking it's something else which is embarrassing. Iv had ct scans and all Good.. I'm having the worse headache of my life now, with the usual symptoms I get with it, numbness in face and sore heavy left arm, I have this everytime I get the headache, and the doctors and neurologist have ruled out migraines but no idea.. I have asked to come off the Apixaban and pray I dont get another blood clot.. but the doctor is refusing. I'm not coping great atm with these, I have 2 young children and I'm currently in bed now unable to lift my head. Has anyone experienced anything like this while on Apixaban?
Headaches with Apixaban?: Hi, just... - Anticoagulation S...
Headaches with Apixaban?
Hi there. I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. Coping with PEs is tough at the best of times but having to cope with a young family when you are feeling so rough must be a big struggle.
Firstly, headaches are a known side effect of Apixaban so the chances are that it is that which is causing them, especially if you have had scans to rule out other sinister causes. Other posts on this site have been from people reporting the same with Rivaroxaban which works in the same way as Apixaban. I also had similar 'neurological' style side effects with Apixaban. My right arm would often be completely numb and when I walked I couldn't feel the floor with my right foot which felt 'dead'.
I am on anti coagulation for life too and the side effects were so bothersome that I decided I could no longer take the tablets. After a few months I had a further blood test that showed that clots were forming again so I had no option but to continue. Please be very wary about stopping taking the medication.
It might be an idea to ask your GP to refer you to a haematologist to discuss the way forward. You do have a couple of other options medication-wise: Apixaban and Rivaroxaban work in the same way, but there is also Warfarin and Dabigatran. Warfarin involves having frequent blood tests and a lot of faffing getting stable coagulation but many people take it with no problems. Dabigatran doesn't need testing and works in a different way to Apixaban so might suit you better. Perhaps ask either your GP or consultant about this option. Dabigatran is a very acid medicine so can cause stomach/reflux problems if you don't take it with food and lots of water but if you are careful it is fine.
Also, if you do switch meds, remember that it can take quite a while for your body to recover from the old mess do you might not see an improvement straight away.
Good luck. 🌻
Thank you very much for replying! How are you now that you started back on the tablets, do u still feel numbness? I was considered coming off them, but it's just worrien how I could be putting myself at risk with the PEs again.
I'll give the dr a ring tomorrow and speak to him, I'm very anxious when it come to my health now and taking medication so even the thought of switching and going thru the whole side effects again makes me nervous.
I appreciate you getting back to me and for your reassurance ❤