Whenever I have a vaccine jab I need an INR blood test within 2 weeks. What will happen when I have the Covid booster and Flu jabs together? Thanks.
INR Tests and double jabs: Whenever I... - Anticoagulation S...
INR Tests and double jabs
Hiya jackdaw,
Interesting ... I haven't heard of this. Has anybody explained to you why this should be so ? I am having my CoVid jab on 23 October and I haven't been told to do this. My flu jab won't be until 12th November.
That said, I had both 1st and 2nd CoVid jabs earlier this year and this wasn't a requirement then either.
I have been on Warfarin for getting close to 12 years now and self test for my INR with my Coaguchek device with the support of my surgery, never been mentioned - ever.
Just curious to understand the logic.
Hi John, thanks for your response. I've been on warfarin for nearly 9 years, after a DVT and PE, and this has always been the case with my surgery. They say the vaccine can effect my INR level. Interesting to know this might not be the rule elsewhere. I am due for a blood test in a few weeks so I will ask then.