I am on Rivaoxaban following cryoablation for an irregular heart beat (2019). I have had two episodes of the most horrific joint pain in a knee, (resulting in an ambulance trip to hospital). I have also just had an agonising pain in my calf which is now gradually subsiding - no swelling or heat, it feels like a dreadful bruise. Could this be a side effect of Rivaoxaban? Has anyone else suffered like this?
Rivaoxaban: I am on Rivaoxaban... - Anticoagulation S...
It sounds more like cramp to me - I get that sometimes if I'm not hydrated enough. Tonic water helps (lose the gin, though!), as does moving around and drinking plenty of water. I don't think it's anything to do with rivaroxaban; I got that sort of cramp on occasion long before I went on it!
I get cramp too, this felt different and the pain lasted for 3 weeks.
Yeah, but there's cramp and cramp..... check with your doctor if you're worried. I have certainly had the kind that felt as though it had left a bad bruise, but nothing to see. It's horrible!
I get cramp too it’s really awful, hope you get on ok.
If this is new and unexplained Mojo2144 I think you should check with a medical professional just to be on the safe side. I'd probably wait and see if there is a repeat of the pain over the next few days. If not, then it was probably a random cramp but if it comes back I think you should make certain all is well. Quite apart from anything else, it will settle any worry that might come back to haunt you.
Firstly, you would have to drink around 13 litres of tonic water to provide you with a single 1000mg therapeutic dose of quinine. And quinine has side effects. Muscle and joint pain can be a side effect of Rivaroxaban for some people. This can either be widespread and for some people, intense pain in a particular joint/muscle group. Pain in the calf and knee can also be symptoms of a blood clot, even without swelling and heat. It doesn’t necessarily follow that if you are taking a blood thinner, you won’t get clots but it is unlikely. I would advise you to ask your GP for advice, it may be that there is another anticoagulant that can be used for your particular condition which might suit you better. I found that the pain continued for a few months after I changed medication but it settled down. It might be a good idea to ask for blood tests to check for things like vitamin d and folic acid levels as low levels of certain things can cause joint/muscle pain. Hope this helps. 🙂
Hi l also suffer from horrendous pain in various parts of the body at the moment in my shoulder and back. lm not taking the same meds as you l take hydroxy and wafrin however I'm sure the levels of toxicity in these drugs and the effects of ET cause all manner of ill effects on body.Good luck
Hi. I would agree with Speedy to check this out with your medics further with blood tests and possibly a D-Dimmer to rule out a DVT which on the positive would be very unlikely. You do not mention any other drugs that you take but interactions are possible, particularly with aspirin and ibuprofen. Im on Apixaban and the doctor recently ran tests around interactions with Enzalutamide. Good luck.
Hi do you get the pain even when your relaxing or when your using that particular muscle ?