Hi succumbed to the male ego and over did a charity cycle without adequate preparation. Upshot I ended up with DVT behind my knee joint. It’s been 6 months now and walking is fine but if I try to cycle it’s uncomfortable. So still taking the Rivaroxoban. Anybody had similar experience ? Just wondering how long it may take to clear up. Thanks
DVT in leg after cycling too much - Anticoagulation S...
DVT in leg after cycling too much
Hi Squarkboy, I am on my second DVT’s now which I can only put down to dehydration when on long rides, as I have never had any of the normal symptoms just a dull ache at night in bed and the doctors could not find anything else wrong, so I am on Apixaban, which works for me. The first one (2018) shocked me more than anything because I have been cycling for a good few years, I was out for about 6 months of and off, it was the mental part that got me, when out on the road. The second (2020) I was back cycling within a month, on the turbo at first and then on the road, a little bit at a time and then just built it up now back to 100+ miles a week. You have to listen to your body and take it step-by-step, if it feels uncomfortable, stop and try again the next day, but you will get through it. Also compression socks, worked well for me when I started back.
Hi Redpool thank for your reply. Yeh I have been cycling for some years now really into Time Trials, have had no problems until 2020. Got depressed when all the TT’s were cancelled so only did hour training sessions on Zwift. Then I did a 4 hour session on the Turbo for charity and didn’t hydrate well enough. Started getting pain and swelling in my left leg a few hours later and ended up with the clot. Just got to be patient I guess and listen to my body.
Hi - I also got a DVT after a long bike ride but hospital could not find the clot so sent me home, a week later my leg really got swollen and when I back into Hospital , i was not allowed to leave as it broke off and went into my Lungs. Had all the blood tests , no reason why I got the DVT, just unlucky I guess. This was 5 years ago and today my leg is still slightly swollen, I did come off thinner for over 2years and was ok then last year , I had another DVT, so back on thinners again . For me , the hardest bit is it messes with your head . I probably ride about 100km a week now and wear a compression sock