I’m quite concerned that I have a have a minor op on my toe, people say that they will stop my warfarin!! This massively concerns me as I’m on it for Life now! Does anyone know what will happen please? Thanks 😊
Stopping Warfarin : I’m quite concerned... - Anticoagulation S...
Stopping Warfarin

Not a great deal. I had a partial knee replacement and stopped Warfarin 6 days before surgery. After surgery ( around 3 hours) I was given Fragmin injections ( a bridging anticoagulant) then told to continue with Warfarin.
No sweat. Do ask at your surgery preassessment what they want you to do. Then do it.
Trust me, it is no big deal. BUT, you do need to check first.

Thanks 😊
Ask doctor! They must have procedures in place for people who have operations and there fore need blood to clot more.
I have been on warfarin over 45 years after avr and had my share of minor procedures they usually bring you down the lower part of your range or just below. It may involve stopping for 2 or 3 days then they will have you up to your target I n r again
Ps this is to avoid all your toes dropping off
Pps only kidding
I think they give you injections after you have stopped the warfarin before you go in for surgery.
Best of luck with your surgery!

Aww thanks it sounds worse than it is! It’s only an ingrowing toenail that has grown back strange so they have to give me an injection 😢 I’m a nervous reck! Thanks 😊
Hi MazzyB, usually for small procedures they take you off warfarin for a day, maybe two but they should be giving you instructions some time before, if an injection is required to give protection.
When I had my hip replacement, I was taken off a few days before and had to inject myself , was also given injections three days after.
Hope all goes well with your toe; ingrown toe nails can be so painful. Pleae let me know how it goes. x
I had the consequences of not stopping the warfarin for a tooth extraction.
The cavity bled for three days.
Stopping is better
I even got asked what my INR was last week, just for a flu jab. Apparently, you have to be in range even for those now.
Can’t be too careful, I guess - being on warfarin is like being a mild haemophiliac.