Hi, can anyone describe the process they followed to identify what caused their clots? I have DVT / PE which I believe is not caused by cancer, but might be due to my diverticulitis. The investigation seems very long and drawn out, probably due to NHS waiting lists, but it's frustrating as all I seem to be doing is injecting daily tinzaparin (had a heamorrage due to Xaraltol/Rivaroxiban, kidney troubles due to fluidinone).
Anyone out there have a successful id of the cause of your DVT/PE?
Am 46 and the prospect of worstening gut and circulatory condition is not making me a happy bunny.
On the plus side am trying my best to incorporate daily exercise (walk/bike/swim) and making my gut better by avoiding processed sludge and enjoying plenty soluble fibre. I am starting to take kefir and through a healthy gut biome I hope to achieve long term health once more. One day even come off anticoags.
Thanks for any comments