Hi I have just found out that I have a dvt and a bilateral PE. What frightens me was that if I hadn’t had a chest infection and flu I might never have known
No symptoms : Hi I have just found out... - Anticoagulation S...
No symptoms

Hi Josiehg
I had almost the exact same scenario!
I had a bad chesty cold and when getting over it became very breathless. I gave in and went to the doctor (I always feel bad bothering the doctor!). He suspected a PE and sent me straight to A&E. They diagnosed dvt and bilateral PE. I never had any pain or swelling with the dvt or any other symptoms. So just like you really, if I hadn't of had that bad cold I would never have known until maybe it was too late.
Dvt is a bloody sneaky condition as it's easy not to think anything of the pain which I had done but thankfully it was caught in time and could easily be treated.
I said to a colleague how I was on treatment for 6 months and they were like 6 months and I said yes that was the case and how worse things could have happened than having to take treatment for 6 months!
I was the other way round - if I hadn't had a horrible pain, I wouldn't have known I had a chest infection as well as multiple bilateral PEs. The doctor really didn't think it was much, but asked me to go to A&E to rule out a blood clot - and I go cold inside wondering what might have happened if she hadn't!
I had the same experience. Cold, cough, suspected chest infection etc. The scan showed a blocked heart artery which needed a stent. 7 months later I am off Apixaban and I feel like the on button has been turned back on ! I'm back working full time and even went to the gym very slowly and carefully. I'm a bit wary of pe coming back as no cause was ever identified. Fingers crossed for a healthy future!
Sometimes it can happen for no particular reason.
I too have a PE and get very breathless I’m pleased with what you’ve said as I did worry about getting a cold and even ending up in hospital, also have a Dvt but my legs do swell.
I went in to my dr because my throat hurt pretty badly and I had a runny nose. Got sent home with steroids. Had some chest tightness when I was in bed and decided to go to the er. Was diagnosed with the flu and a PE, no DVT. Mine is very small and they think it's due to having had a catheter ablation (went through the femoral veins in my groin) a week ago.