I have been experiencing zig zag flashing lights (average twice weekly) .More seriously I have Tia like attacks maybe 1 or 2 a month.3 this month and more severe.I was discharged after carotid artery surgery follow ups 18 months ago with Migraine diagnosis.I have AF and have experienced the Optical migraines within a couple of weeks of starting Edoxaban.
Migraines or Tia symptoms with Noacs - Anticoagulation S...
Migraines or Tia symptoms with Noacs

Have you been seen by an opthomalogist? I have the flashing light (as well as other visual symptoms) and for me, it is an issue with my eyes.
I am no help about the TIAs.
Have you talked with your doctor about these new symptoms that started after the new medication was added? Good luck to you.
You need to talk to your doctor as soon as possible.
Very frustrated with docs & specialists.Despite having carotid artery surgery a couple of years ago.on discharge Dec 2019.I was left with a diagnosis of migraine.As my visual migraines are not pre cursor to my Tia type attacks (could be days or weeks before) As these seem to be the reason for my migraine diagnosis I was hoping I could get evidence they are a possible side effect of the Edoxaban.Gp has said they bow to there knowledge and I must try migraine prevention medication before they can refer me again and then very long wait.Starting Amitriptyline tonight.
They might not be the side effect of your medication. They could be a different illness, for example antiphospholipid syndrome is known for causing migraine and headaches and it also cause blood clots so could give you TIAs. Either way, it is not a good idea to continue with this medication without your doctors approval. The amitriptyline should help your migraine once you get the dose right, it does with mine.
Doctors rule out clots as the medication edoxaban is an anticoagulant prescribed for Atrial fibrillation.Also say Can't be having Tia's as on anticoagulant.
I advise you to see your GP. Also, there are other medications you can try that might suit you better. Hope you get it sorted.
As everyone says, you need to see a dr. I am no expert, not even in MY body! Lol. But as someone who has hemiplegic migraines that cause speech disturbance, confusion and a dropping of the face on the right hand side and weakness in the whole RHS body, I can tell you it took an awful long time to get diagnosed. I look like I’m having a TIA or stroke when it happens. My sight disturbance (those zigzag flashy lights) don’t necessarily happen at the same time for me. There are also pre- and post- attack symptoms. The actual bit i thought was a migraine, is just the middle bit! As my neurologist said, everyones’s migraine is unique to them, depending on what path it takes through the brain. BUT, as it always looks like a TIA/stroke, I must treat it as one each time, especially as I have now been diagnosed with multiple pulmonary embolisms. I’m on Apixaban for life.
Take a look at the Migraine Trust website for information. It’s pretty good.
And I know it’s frustrating. I tried 4 or 5 different drugs til I found the one that suited.(And 3 neurologists until I found the right one, too!) Nortriptyline ended up being superb for me (it’s a newer version of the amatriptyline I think). I went from up to 16 severe attacks a day to about one mild attack every couple of months.
Good luck with it all. I hope that you find your happy medium. KEEP TALKING to your Drs, they will help, it just takes time.