I recently went too my dr, she got another scan done of my leg that had the DVTs and it shows they have all disappeared! I've been on warfarin for 6 months and she says I can go off it next week, do I slowly reduce the amount or can I go off them straight away, I'm on 10mg a day! Please any info would be appreciated!
Going off warfarin: I recently went too... - Anticoagulation S...
Going off warfarin

I'm delighted to hear that your clots have disappeared! A pity your GP didn't tell you how to come off the Warfarin - probably best ring up and ask. Your haematology clinic will be able to help if your GP can't - they are presumably expecting you to come in for a blood test soon, so you could ask then, or you could ring them up.

GPs dont seem to know much do they. The either have to ask somebody else or send you to a specialist?
They know their limitations; don't forget, 95% of the people they see don't have much wrong with them. It's knowing how to tell the difference that is where the skill lies!

Of course...they are general practitioners ☺

Hi, I've stopped taking the warfarin now, hopefully I'll feel much better as I had side effects when on it! Thanks!
You should get personal, medical advice....
But in my case (on similar doses) I was advised to simply stop taking it overnight (having been on it for two years for a cvst).
Take advice ! ☺
Thank you! I've stopped taking it now, maybe I won't have anymore side effects now like I did when taking the warfarin!