My husband is on Warfarin and also has cancer that has returned. WE have read much on Pau d Arco and turmeric and kale for cancer. You can imagine what is happening with the INR. We have not started the Pau d ARco tea yet but have read that it RAISES his INR and the Kale and turmeric lowers. He keeps getting low INR readings 1.3 and they want to raise warfarin but we want to start the tea is that advisable
How to raise INR naturally: My husband... - Anticoagulation S...
How to raise INR naturally
Dear Bride2000. This must be a most distressing situation and you have my sympathy. To take steps to seek regression of the cancer must be the priority if you are to be positive and have hope. It is good however that you realise that this has implications for his INR which in turn could be hazardous but this has other remedies. I know of no reason why you should not increase his Warfarin dose to recover his INR level and at the same time take the Pau d Arco tea. My advice (as a fellow patient, not a doctor) would be to take all the remedies for the cancer which give you hope and encouragement but insist that his INR is checked frequently, at least weekly, and keep adjusting his Warfarin as often as needs be to stay in INR range. This would be much easier of course if you were self testing but try to gain the support of your GP or anti-coag clinic for this strategy. You have all our best wishes and support and we will hope to hear good news from you in the future; you never know how many others it may help.
Dear Bride2000. How is your husband doing and also how are you doing? Did you get his INR up to range and is the Pau d Arco tea helping. We often think of you and are here for you.