Forgive me for my ignorance, or if this seems l... - AMN EASIER
Forgive me for my ignorance, or if this seems like a silly question, but do men with AMN tend to lose all their hair? Is this a symptom?

Hi there. Not all men do but seems most do. I sat through a scientist presentation last year that said it was. Hope this helps
Does anyone know why this happens?
Are you talking on the scalp or all over? Here is my experience. I started to have fatigue, thinning of my scalp, but also my arm, chest and leg hair. Also, had sexual symptoms. I am 49 so not really due to old age. My regular physician did a testosterone test and my results were very low. We are working on replacement hormones currently.
Apparently, there are reports of testicular dysfunction in AMN patients although I am not sure there is any proof of a direct link.
A testosterone test is fairly simple. If it is low make sure they check for any causes outside of AMN.
I always try to make doctors separate having AMN and look at me just like another average patient. It is important the doctor look for other underlying issues. I hope this helps you.
I know it sounds trite but the are no silly questions. Yes there is a correlation. I have a very recent paper ( 2 wks ago) and if you would like me to forward it to you my email is
Aussie Bob
Anytime your body is in pain or it is losing its ability to grow hair or many other things it is trying to tell you something. The real trick is figuring what it is saying and what it needs. The body will rob from one part to keep another more important part going. When it can no longer do this it can do nothing else but fail. Many AMN guys I know are bald or have thinning hair, I am 55 with AMN and have all my hair yet, not sure what I have done since I take many supplements prescribed by my herbalist as what my body needs. My legs are slowly losing there ability to work and just like hair loss it is the body talking to me about a need and again figuring out what that need is the hard part.
My brother had AMN and he lost his hair when he was very young and went through high school almost bald just wispy hair on top - this was when it wasn't cool to be bald, these days there are many men who go bald and it looks cool. I am an asymptomatic female carrier of ALD and my hair has been quite thin on top for many years, I am very self conscious about this. Too bad it's not cool for women to be bald! Any other women have this same problem?
Not sure of any link in my case as my Dad is bald so I think I was always destined to be this way
However, my brother always had more hair than me, more of his paternal Grandfather hairline but has lost most of that now.
No great loss for me but lot more hassle the ladies I'm sure.

AussieBob has kindly sent me the document that he refers to above. Actually, it's a very useful general guide to the latest state of research in ALD and AMN, and does mention the hair thinning issue.
You can access the article here
(needs to be widened to full width for easy reading). You can save it on your computer from there.
I recommend the article and thank Bob very much for drawing our attention to it. If you find your clinician or consultant does not know much about AMN, this is a great thing to give them and help you start a conversation.
Best wishes,
Thank you, all, for your very helpful responses.
My brother and I both have the male pattern baldness. I cannot speak for him but I have not experienced any hair loss in my beard or body hair.