Restless leg: - AMN EASIER
Restless leg
I really would’ve liked this study to it said something else! Thank you for sharing for sure, however this is already known in a lot of us. I thought maybe they would have some help for suggestions.
Thanks for this Cherie, it’s interesting, though most of us already know, but shows their are more things involving women taking place.
Hi HillaryHow are you?
Yes it is good that they are looking at our problems. I have just been given Clonazepam to take at night for the spasms and RLS and am finding it is really knocking me out. (Along with the Lyrica). I will see how it goes.
I have had my first bout of sciatica. I didn't realise how painful it is and it is really affecting my ability to walk.
I also take Clonazepam at night and it helped immensely with the leg spasms and RLS. As I have aged and lost more, the RLS has gone. Neurologist explained to me that as a lightbulb burns brighter before going out my legs were dancing as the nerves misfired as they were going out. I feel minor twitches sometimes but no movement. I have to move my legs with my hands to reposition in bed. They can't move on their own so no more RLS.
I'm am not happy with the side effects so am either going to stop taking it or try half of the 500mcg. How much were you taking? I find that although I take it at night I can't function properly the next day. I can just about move my legs in bed. I will increase Lyrica to 150mg ,presently 100mg, if the 250mcg Clonazapam doesn't work as Lyrica does help a bit.