What was the first symptoms that those with Addison's disease experienced?
Addison’s : What was the first symptoms that... - AMN EASIER
The only symptom I had was fatigue by the afternoon.
Deep bronze tan.
Never been tested for Addisons. But i find it hard to stay awake
My symptoms were the frequency of being ill, just having a cold made me really ill I was undiagnosed for a long time looking back and was always told I had gastroenteritis and given fluids!
All the best
I have been tested for 15 years but never positive.
But I do get fatigued and getting sick can get pretty bad.
Get the test, don't rely on "symptoms"
Thanks for the replies. I have been having nausea for a few months in the mornings.
Nauseated all the time. And terrible fatigue and sweating like crazy no matter the temperature.
Hi, I am always tired by 2pm, most days having my afternoon nap. Family laugh and say it’s my age. I have horrendous night sweats when everyone is cold. Day time I am usually the last to say isn’t it cold. I have been tested for Addisons but always negative. Feel dizzy sometimes as well. Always constipated too
Hi Hillary - I am also really tired by mid afternoon. I love my naps! My hubby knows to just let me be because I’ll wake up more “like me”! 10 minutes to an hour and I’m back to normal (not that that’s “normal”) Sounds like menopause has been added to the mix! It can start any time and lasts until we die ... another ‘lovely’ female thing! Lol!!
Constipation is a problem for me, too. I’m not sure if it’s from meds, AMN or lack of proper diet. I do know that I’m better when I make sure I get lots of veggies with a meal.
Hope the night sweats lessen soon!
I was very stiff after a long drive, literally walking like Frankenstien! Tired mid afternoon and often laid low for a couple of days when I picked up a bug. Unfortunately I still sometimes end up ill, which I now know is an adrenal crisis. This usually starts with hot and cold fever / sweats, headaches and extreme listlessness. I can double the dose of hydrocortisone now but I'm still very fatigued for 36 hours. My last crisis was at the end of February.
My son had cramp in his legs, I think due to an incorrect salt balance. Also bad headaches by the end of the evening and tanned skin. Occasional hypoglycaemia.
I don’t have any skin color changes. I get tired around 2, I can sit at my table for a break and I will start to dose off. I kind of don’t associate that with anything other than AMN because I can get up several times a night to use the bathroom. I was sleeping in a recliner but recently went back to my bed and that has helped a lot.