Contact allergy, medical tape how long... - Allergic to Glycols

Allergic to Glycols

Contact allergy, medical tape how long is suppose to last?

Shadow35 profile image
5 Replies

I had a reaction to a glue in a medical rape. I follow the advise of the pharmacist and put ice each hours days and night, hydroxyzine 1% twice a day, 40 mg of cetirizine and benadryl for the first weeks without any change. I got a prescription for a topicort cream. No change after an other week. I got an other prescription for a stronger cream. After few days, the itching stop. After 2 more weeks the color is less red and not itchy. The leather look of the skin peel. I just start stopping gradually the antihistamine because it's expensive. 300$ of medication for a month. The first day without the cream and antihistamine and the itching start again. I still have a little redness where the tspe was and some scratch i inflinct myself when i coulnd resist scratching. It's been almost two month and it's not over. The pharmacist is concern with the duration i'm using strong corticosteroid cream. How long a reaction is normal?

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5 Replies
kerrykuzak profile image

I'm not sure if you have a diagnosis as being allergic to the glycols, but it sounds as though you are allergic. Medical tape contains them, as do Cetirizine (which is Zyrtec--whose ingredients are glycerin, mannitol and sorbitol (sugar alcohols like PG), pharmaceutical ink, and PEG 400---polyethylene glycol); Benadryl (PEG); and many corticosteroids like Prednisone (Polysorbate 80 and PG--propylene glycol). In other words, your "treatment" seems to be causing your prolonged issue. IMO stop ALL pharmaceuticals right away. Allow time for all the toxins to leave your body on their own. Start working on improving your immune system through a healthy diet, exercise, quality sleep and adding vitamins like C and D3 on a daily basis. People who are allergic to the glycols (if you're allergic to one, you're at least sensitive to ALL) need to stay away from conventional medicine. There are many naturopathic practitioners who can prescribe supplements made from plants, herbs, vitamins and minerals to help with illness. Conventional medicine is chemical-based. We are allergic to their chemicals.

Shadow35 profile image
Shadow35 in reply to kerrykuzak

I'm careful with polyéthylène glycol. Had a reaction with some medication bit it's never immediat. I used liquid benadryl that dont contain polyethylene glycol and the cetirizine fast dissolve that is ok. I don't really have the choice for the cream topicort but i don't react to the quantity in my shampoo and previous cream i used. It always différents depending of the quantity and the numbef of time i'm using it. I check with the company for the glue and they game me the name of the acrilic. I'm waiting to see an other allergist because almost all of them just do normal allergy and glycol need a specialist. I ask one if he want to test me with some medication so i can show him the kind of reaction i have and he panic and said no. I'm find with a low quantity of polyethylene for 24h. Two days in a row it's start affecting my ability to walk and a lot of time i get dizzy and have heart pain and palpitation. Last time o loose a part of my sight temporaly but i now have a black spot. I also keep a psotis from the covid vaccin.

kerrykuzak profile image
kerrykuzak in reply to Shadow35

I think the important thing to remember is that when one becomes allergic to something it is because he/she cannot detox the ingredient, so the toxicity builds up and reactions eventually set in. From my experience, no conventional doctors have a clue about our allergen. AVOIDANCE is the only thing we can do. IMO even using some of their petroleum-based pharmaceuticals does more harm than good. I was diagnosed 10 years ago and only go to a nutritionist who specializes in muscle-testing and who uses organic supplements to detox my organs/tissues and strengthen my body. ALL vaccinations are especially harmful. Our bodies do NOT need vaccines---we need strong immune systems. Best wishes.

memedeeme profile image
memedeeme in reply to kerrykuzak

Thank you so much for your wealth of informational post. I totally agree with you as I have just recently found out myself after several attempts to take medicine with glycols in them and having severe reactions to that I was indeed intollerant and right out allergic to glycols all of them. For me when I found out I couldn't eat anything in my house. Everything smelled and tasted like the smell of manure, chemical poisons used on weeds and bugs and sewer. I am into faith healing for the last 30 years and so I prayed as I felt my only option was I was going to die of starvation and this was 2 years ago this up coming summer in July. When I prayed I felt it important to detox. For me I ate fresh pinto beans not canned. I boiled in water only no spices and ate bland for two weeks three meals a day. Slowly I added the raw potato baked and nothing added to it. I soon found food I could eat with no GMO's where glycols are found and grass fed animal products if I feel the need to eat these such as milk, eggs, meat, and I buy all whole grain and make my own flour to cook with. I have started reading all labels for often the most dangerous glycols to items are listed on the body or package and should not be taken or eaten or put on by me and I never buy anything that has glycols. For me I have lost over 60 lbs since glycols cause me to blow up like a balloon a side effect to many different ones I have. I still struggle with pain but nothing like it was as the body tremors are gone and the heart palpulations are gone too. The horrible dermatis is gone as well. I don't have to worry about suffocating anymore or feeling so sick I feel like dying. It's is worth to get away from glycols and find other ways to live happy and healthy. I am still on my search and journey to a healthy lifestyle. I mostly drink water now, milk, and sometimes teas. I found when eating just the beans that a nice tablespoon of fresh honey raw from bees was the best way to keep my sugar levels in check otherwise they get too low for me. However for me candy is a total no-no as right on the package it says it contains glycols and I will have an allergic reaction if I eat it. I hope this information will bless someone and help them on their journey as well to healthy living.

kerrykuzak profile image

FANTASTIC work on your part! Thanks so much for sharing!

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