New to being diagnosed, in need of ad... - Andover Fibromyal...

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New to being diagnosed, in need of advice.

alexandraa20 profile image
6 Replies

Hi guys,

I'm 21 years of age and I have recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It has been a very difficult week for me since being told this because my consultant wasn't very helpful or reassuring. I went to see my GP also to discuss this matter which was also a let down. I have been feeling very depressed and in a very dark place at the current moment with it all.

I find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning because I am in so much pain and also I have a fear of going anywhere at the moment. I don't want to leave the house unless my mother is with me and makes me feel reassured.

When I was 13, I was diagnosed with ju vining arthritis, that was a very difficult time and I was very angry about it for many years because how does anyone come to terms with that in my eyes, a life sentence?

I feel so alone and depressed at the moment because I've had to take a week off college and they have not been understanding and I physically cannot go to work because my job is very demanding and it's a 10-11 hour shift most days part time with only a 20 minute break to have food if your lucky. But I'm struggling to pay my bills.

Can someone please help me?

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alexandraa20 profile image
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6 Replies
Jessynaom profile image

Hey, I'm newly diagnosed aswell and I've had a pretty rough week too trying to come to terms with the life I'm going to have to live. I completely understand you I started my new job last week and I'm finding it so hard to deal with the pain and try to stay awake. Are you on a type of antidepressant? If not maybe speak to your doctor about it? I'm only 17 and I grew up with a lot of different illnesses so I know how it feels to feel like you're being punished. I hope you feel better soon try not to worry I find being worried or stressed can make the pain a lot worse X

alexandraa20 profile image
alexandraa20 in reply to Jessynaom

Thank you for the reply, it's very reassuring when I know I'm not alone in all this.

Yes I'm currently on amitriptyline 10mg. But they just make me feel worse if I'm honest.

My doctors are not very helpful at all if I'm honest, I have no support from them at all.

I'm struggling with being able to stay awake to finish all my assignments at the moment and then going to work aswell. It's a constant struggle, I am so fed up.

But I'm hoping I can get over this rough patch. I don't feel as hopeless as I did at the beginning of the week.

I hope you feel better soon yourself x

WehnckeA profile image


I am a doctor

Has your Consultant screened with blood tests for all arthritides?

alexandraa20 profile image
alexandraa20 in reply to WehnckeA

Not that I know of. I've been struggling with flare ups with my arthritis and it took me 4 months just to get an appointment with him and when I finally saw him, he didn't even spend 5 minutes with me. I walked in, he sat me down and said you have fibromyalgia, this is how you spell it, go off and research it and I will see you in 9 months.

I left in tears because I've been in agony!

What else can I do??

waynewxx69 profile image

im newly diagnosed aswell and having loads of problems with esa, they cancelled my claim and put me on jobseekers, i did my mandatory reconsideration and they declined it so im going to have to take them to the court stage so i need help with the forms and how to word things because i get the fibro fog and forget what to say, it is a long hard road because no one belives you they think you are faking it all the time, so we all need as much help as poss from thoses that have had it along time

Nannie266 profile image

I have had fibro for 36 yrs but wasn't diagnosed with the "word" ..."fibromyalgia " since bout four/five yrs ago.....consultant at Heath hospital Cardiff said if we find a cure I will let your GP know .....I was only in his room bout two minutes. I felt so upset....

I stopped eating red meat also cheese.......I feel almost vegan ...lots of veggie smoothies's just trying to get a balance with food.....sweet stuff keeps getting in the way lol.....only cos I feel miserable....even people who know I have fibro say rest etc bit condescendingly.....I do rest after working for yrs in manual work ......

If I ate red meat I couldn't lift my head the next day......same with cheese ....its elimination......try different things write down wot u eat in a day keep a diary to know how u felt next's the only recommendation I can give.....hope someone can get a little help from this.....the biggest thing I can tell u is if u need to sit down ....sit down .....if u need to lay down lay down as needed and availability.......

Big hugs to all xx

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