Dear All,
Will you please share your experiences if AF affects your abilities to have MRI scan done. For example a brain scan. It appears that I can't tolerate the process even with diazepam.
Many thanks..
Dear All,
Will you please share your experiences if AF affects your abilities to have MRI scan done. For example a brain scan. It appears that I can't tolerate the process even with diazepam.
Many thanks..
How strange I've had both a CT and MRI brain scan with no problems whatsoever. Is it being confined that you can't cope with? I shut my eyes and keep them shut throughout the scan, knowing if I opened them I'd panic.
Had all sorts. MRI. CT you name it I've had it and worn out the T shirt. Nothing to tolerate surely and I get claustrophobic. Just close your eyes and listen to the nice music
Try listening to some relaxation downloads or book a session with a qualified, accredited hypnotherapist.
It sounds like the anxiety is triggering your AF rather than the actual MRI scans. You should discuss with your medical professional. They might be able to prescribe something to help avoid going into AF i.e. anti-anxiety medication or an AF medication or a change in how you take your existing AF medication(s) on the day of your MRI.
Ask your doctor to prescribe something mild that will settle your nerves and avoid the feeling of panic.
If memory serves, the MRI is quite noisy so my tip would be make sure your earplugs are fully in place. Otherwise no worries, it is only a donut not what I feared that it would be going into some enclosed tomb 😆.
try to make sure it’s an open MRI. I helped the last one I was in if I did my eyes the most beautiful scenery above me as if I were looking at the sky. Some people really hate the sound. My dad used to talk about it and how much he hated it. I had one yet. The first one I was in was like a capsule and I really did not want to do it however they did give me a tranquilizer so that by the time I was going into it I was quite relaxed. The newer style made me feel like I was in between two pieces of bagel lol I thought if a Martian came from outer space and saw us doing this or getting a tan in a machine they would probably leave quickly just shaking their head about earthlings.
you don’t mention a pacemaker that is the major thing and you should have a card, etc.. If you do have one they need to speak with your doctor ahead of time my pacemaker is on it MRI and other information. I think they have come along way with them. If you get one of the new ones they gave me the option of having it all done at once or to get a break, I chose to just keep doing it. They thought that was interesting that I would pick that. I just wanted it over with at some point. It lulls me into somewhat of a trance, which is good.
I had an MRI brain scan done twice without any effect on my heart or without causing AF.
MRI itself doesn't cause AF or skipped beats, but the increased anxiety associated with being fed into a small, narrow, claustrophobic, noisy tunnel can. Learn to relax, breathing exercises or mild sedation may help. I've had 2 MRIs without problems but I sure was anxious about it.
I had a head mri , couldn’t complete it and it was only supposed to last 10 minutes . My heart was bouncing all over my chest . I don’t know if it was AF or multiple ectopics . I asked my cardiologist he thought it would be multiple ectopics because it settled quite quickly after I got out and sat up and AF has always been long lasting . I don’t know. My anxiety was through the roof and I suspect my stomach was full of air which might have caused the bouncing . I had asked for my MRI to check no sinister cause for my pulsatile tinnitus but I have not been back !
Like others, I've had various scans without any problems at all. MRIs are a bit noisy, so last time I was given the option of listening to music using headphones. All good. Hope it goes well for you Sveeta.
I participate in UK Biobank and had a lengthy brain MRI (for research purposes) including whilst viewing and comparing pictures and patterns. Didn’t trigger any paroxysmal AFiB. Also a lengthy chest and abdominal scan in which there’s a requirement to hold breath for a varying period. Only discomfort came from the low temperature aircon! I don’t feel particular stress when in the machine, which sounds as if it may be your problem rather than the physical impact of the magnetic fields.
Hi - had an MRI 10 days ago and no probs AF wise. Noisy as ever - but they gave me ear plugs and music through headphones.
Must admit to hating the 2 brain MRI s I had done a while back. I am not particularly claustrophobic but the idea did not appeal! I took a totally blackout eye mask with me and insisted that it went on as soon as I got on the bed. That and some Classic FM playing, got me through them without any problem
I have heard that if you are really anxious you can have someone chat to you while it’s being done and in extreme cases there is a way of doing it where you sit normally and put your head ‘in a box’. The radiologists are well used to patients disliking the procedure and are usually kind and help you through it.
The only time my AF has been mentioned is when I had an abdominal scan and they decided against using a particular contrast dye as there was a slight chance that it would raise heart rate (if I remember correctly) and the consultant was not prepared to risk it.
It's the anxiety that triggers the AF. Like you I can no longer tolerate an MRI scan which is a nuisance because my spine is disintegrating . For that I have CT scans instead but they are not as good and wouldn't I think, be suitable for a brain scan. I used to go potholing so I've never been claustrophobic; had had about 6 MRI scans just fine then suddenly had to be pulled out. Unfortunately the nurses ignored the buzzer thinking I'd laid on it. I've tried 3 times since and only got half way before I had to get o ut, even with heavy sedation. Talk to your doctor. There are a very few open scanners around the country but it could mean a very long journey.
Dear All,Thank you for sharing your experiences, it's very helpful, I will go back to my consultant and see if he comes up with any options. Keep well everyone!xxx
pull yourself together now don’t get in a state it’s only a harmless scan, god help you if you had to go through what I’ve been through, I just had a TKR awake all way through for 3 hours,
I've had a couple brain scans with no ill effects. Are your technicians able to speak to you via microphone during the process? They did for mine to reassure me and make sure I was coping well. I'm not claustrophobic so it didn't bother me; the machine was very loud though.
I've even fallen asleep during one! Boots sell very good wax earplugs meant for swimming but they cut out most of the noise from the machine
When I had my MRI I used breathing exercises that I do in yoga as understand confined space as it’s something I struggle with
An MRI has no physical consequences to it at all. You just lie in a plastic tunnel and have to keep very still. Psychologically, some people feel panicky in such a physical location. For a head MRI, you will be placed into a brace of some kind to stop your head moving - again, a painless procedure with no physical consequences, whatsoever.
I have had several, and the only one with any physical consequences was a recent cardiac MRI when a drug is used to mimic activity. This set off my AF briefly and made me feel very panicky, but I ws soon over. A head MRI I had was completely comfortable.
I am on permanent AF on digoxin as Oban and digital and have had two brain MRI ‘s with no problems
No problems at all and had many CT and MRI Scans including brain scan.