Hello been to see cardiologist who has suggested a cardioversion might be beneficial as side effects on meds affect me so badly.Afib already on my annual travel insurance declared as treating with meds has anyone been in this situation where an upcoming cardioversion has badly affected their cover?
Afib on travel insurance offered card... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Afib on travel insurance offered cardioversion

If you are awaiting a procedure you may find it difficult to get cover . You should certainly declare this. I'm assuming that you are awaiting a date for your cardioversion.
Although I've had a great number of cardioversions they were all 'emergency' so no waiting lists for me. No problem getting cover straight after.
If you’re on a waiting list for any kind of procedure or even just a consultation, you need to inform insurers. Last year my insurance was cancelled because of an upcoming ablation, but different companies take different views. Best to call them.
Thanks for replying I have annual cover and afib and slight heart failure is declared already, the cardiologist just suggested that I could have a cardioversion if I wanted to try it but it would only be 50/50 success rate, so I really don't know if it's worth it it would be a 16 week wait and we have lots of travel booked for this year so obviously can't travel if policy is cancelled but nervous about contacting the insurer in case they cancel the policy, obviously if the cardiologist insisted on this treatment I would have to go ahead but as it's a choice Its all a bit of a dilemma, the thing is if the condition is declared already couldn't this be seen as an extension of treatment maybe, was your condition already declared on your policy? I am with all clear and they are usually quite good.
I was with Staysure. When I told them I was on the wait list, they cancelled the AF part of the policy and said it could be reinstated after the procedure. So up to you, my cardioversion did t work so having pace and ablate. Pacemaker fitted but waiting for ablate, I know there’s no point in even applying for TA until that’s done which is annoying as we have cruise booked for August.
I would be very careful as insurance companies can get you by the short and curlies. On every insurance I have had it asks have I ever refused any treatment for (whatever) my condition. Medication is fine as it’s ongoing treatment and already established. You could always ring a couple of other insurance companies and ask them and get a consensus of opinion.
Maybe Im just being over cautious but I would hate to travel abroad and not be fully covered (if I was unsure) and possibly end up with a massive bill.
This is true I am ultra careful about declaring every little thing I am going to book another consultation with the cardiologist for next week, in the meantime ask them to take me off the waiting list until things are discussed further this was a private consultation so apparently a second one is cheaper, it's been very confusing as when I asked for a referral from my gp he said I wasn't a candidate for cardioversion and meds would be discussed, the cardiologist said cardioversion I will put you on the list gave a brief description about what would happen and we were out the door! All my questions on my list were about meds so this all needs to be discussed properly thanks for replying.I actually developed a fib on a cruise last year and all clear paid out the 5000 it cost as I was treated on board they paid out in 7 days.
My husband had a stroke in Iceland 3 years ago and the total bill was 34000 including treatment accomodations and repatriation I was with staysure then and they were arguing with the hospital all the time and it took 10 days to get home they paid out the 8000 we had paid out but took 7 months! People don't realize that initially you have to pay for treatment and claim it back, after a while if they are happy it is a claim they can't get out of they will take over fees and flights back etc.
I switched from Staysure to All clear because they cancelled my insurance when I received an appointment for pacemaker insertion, I honestly didn't even know that I was on a waiting list as it had been discussed as a possibility in the future but not a firm decision. The appointment was for after my trip, so I wasn't going to be cancelling my holiday! I am now super careful that I cover every single thing that might be relevant and I like to do it on the phone so it's recorded.
No, I moved to All Clear for my next trip. I didn't get insurance for my trip but fortunately I was covered for treatment by my GHIC card and I was staying with relatives so I reasoned that if I couldn't travel home for some reason, they'd be happy for me to stay with them until I could travel. I also said I'd be happy not to be repatriated as a corpse should I meet my maker. I wasn't bothered about covering holiday costs as it was just the flight. I took a calculated risk but I wouldn't have gone on a cruise, to America or anywhere not covered by GHIC and it's not something I would recommend.
You must let them know as your claims may be denied if you haven't. But I don't think it will cause the price to alter too much 🤞
Sadly yes.I couldn't get cover with Stay sure while awaiting the conversion .And I waited a long time due to it being just post COVID.
Brill nice to know.Enjoy your hols