6 weeks ago a ECG show typical atrial flutter with a 4 to 1 block. Good heart rate (pulse) of 66 to 77. No real symptoms . Mostly some felt atopic beats at bedtime, but have had history of minor heart murmur since i was younger, no symptoms much now. After testing of halter monitoring for 48 hours, it said I had both afib and flutter. Eco cardiogram showed borderline pressure in the right ventricle but no pulmonary hypertension. The cardiologist said it looked good overall. Of course the right atria was "quivering" on the cardiogram as expected in flutter. My age is 78 and other wise healthy and active. He elected to maintain the Xarelto to thin the blood and help prevent stroke. He did not recommend any other treatment unless I had symptoms . See him in a year. I did return to one coffee a day as I was drinking 3 or more a day before being diagnosed. Also I had COVID in 2023, so who knows wherefore it came from other an older guy of course. What think you?
Just got diagnosed: 6 weeks ago a ECG... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Just got diagnosed

Morning FF.
Welcome to the AFib and Flutter Club. We are both members and would like not to be!
You wrote:
What think you?
I'm not a doctor but my take is that overall I would be fairly pleased. Your HR of 66 to 77 is fine. Your Cardio has said overall it's fine.
Eco cardiogram showed borderline pressure in the right ventricle but no pulmonary hypertension
Borderline pressure in the tight Ventrice is not uncommon. Regarding coffee, if you notice it causes any problems, then cut it down. Don't have a strong one. I am guilty of doing this to kick-start my day.
Rest easy and contact your Cardio if any problems do occur. Personally, I think a 6 monthly review would be better than 12 months. Saying that I'm lucky to see my Cardio every two years. He's always busy playing golf or going on holiday.
Priorities right?
Rgds Paul
Thanks Paulbounce. I also have a weaker coffee . I drink 8 oz instead of 10 oz. We grind the beans at the grocery store and put 1 tablespoon instead of 2 tablespoons in the little press cups that insert into the coffee maker. My only concern is the controversy of still having my right atria un symptomatic number of beats wearing down my heart over a period of years only with anticoagulant. I may make an appointment a later with an electrophyiology cardiologist or invasive cardiologist, but really need to think it over as the only symptoms i have is some fatigue more than i used to.
Morning FF.
My only concern is the controversy of still having my right atria un symptomatic number of beats wearing down my heart over a period of years only with anticoagulant. I may make an appointment a later with an electrophyiology
Yep. Make an appointment to see an EP. It won't do any harm and you'll know you are being proactive with montoring your heart problems.
Rgds Paul
I will sound like a broken record repeating myself but If I was u based on my experience converting my 2 yr history of AF to S R with a scientific based supplement protocol I would be considering reading about my experience as a physician described in my BIO. PM me for details
Not meaning to sound pedantic, but you referenced your cardiologist as follows ...
He elected to maintain the Xarelto to thin the blood and help prevent stroke
... but it is important to understand an anticoagulant doesn't actually "thin the blood". Rather, it achieves it's purpose by delaying blood clotting.

Welcome to the Forum, I am sure many of the members will welcome you and offer advice based upon their own experiences. Have you visited the AF Association webpage? heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...
You will find a wealth of information dedicated to atrial fibrillation and flutter. However, we also have a dedicated Patient Helpline should you have any questions or would like any advice, so feel free to contact the Patient Services Team anytime: heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...
I hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards