I am booked in for a Cardioversion…about four days after we’re going on holiday… How did people feel a few days afterwards?
Cheers Friends
I am booked in for a Cardioversion…about four days after we’re going on holiday… How did people feel a few days afterwards?
Cheers Friends
You should feel perfectly alright but don't overdo things physically!
Usually brilliant but please don't take that as a sign to be stupid and chase about like a mad thing. Give yourslelf plenty of time and stay well hydrated at all times and of course go easy on alcohol if any.
Thank you for your post. I do hope the procedure goes well. It is important to go at your own pace with recovery and be kind to yourself.
I would like to direct you to our Cardioversion of atrial fibrillation booklet. It contains lots of supportive information that I do hope you find helpful: api.heartrhythmalliance.org...
If you would like any support, advice or further information, our Patient Services Team are available via our Patient Helpline or via email, please visit: heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...
We are always here if you need us.
Kind regards,
Hi Alicant.
I'm a fairly seasoned CV'er. I've always felt fine the following day but tired the same day as the procedure due to the anaesthetic. I would suggest not over-exerting yourself for at least 7 days afterwards. Just take it slowly and allow time for your heart to adjust. Maybe do relaxing stuff like going to a museum or a sightseeing trip by coach.
Have a great holiday and bring some sun back please.
Rgds Paul
With luck you will feel fine after a cardioversion, however you need to take life easy for a week or so to allow your heart to gain strength beating in it's correct rhythm. It's so easy for it to slip back into it's abnormal one. I've had quite a few and once walked up a hill the day after having the procedure and went straight back into AF.
I'd also say no alcohol, over eating or wearing anything tight around your torso. Too late to be sorry once you go back in to AF.
Best wishes for a successful outcome.
i've had a few CV's and as others have said just take it easy for at least a week. Are you on meds after? For first couple of days i stayed well hydrated had lighter than usual meals and gave myself at least 3 hours after dinner before i went to bed. After a few days i started walking on level pathways and back to normal diet and after a week i was back to my usual 5km walk but at an easy pace for another week.
Learn how to breath properly and you can remove tension from your body. A short easy read is Breath by James Nestor
I did a trip to Scotland the day after a urgent cardioversion in A&E for fast Afib. I felt dreadful in the car and could barely walk for two days (ie more than 50 m) but by third day of hols I did a slow three miles with lots of stops though I was kn#kered afterwards! But I'm stubborn and refuse to let afib beat me!!Some people are running after 48 hours though so it varies enormously.
Best wishes
I’m glad to see you refuse to let it run your life but it sounds like you really pushed yourself a bit much. Doesn’t anyone stop and think when we have these procedures what we are having done to our heart? we need to heal please things are like Band-Aids. They are meant to give a little quality of life and healing. Some people are very lucky with them, but don’t push yourself. I don’t know how others on here feel about what I’m saying, but I know if been successful the second time they were keeping me in CCU being monitored 24 hours just because of the medication. That tells me they want you to be careful and go slow. Sadly I never got to that point. I ended up with my pacemaker and AV note ablation, which I have absolutely no regrets about. I am grateful for it. I’m having a few issues at the moment but other than that I have felt so good and so normal. I never thought I would get to feel that way again.
best of luck to everyone having something done to try to get relief and quality of life. Be good to yourself. Be good to your heart. We only have one you know.
I was telling the original poster my experience as requested not asking for feedback on what I did, thank you. At all points I consulted with the cardiologists.
I felt absolutely fine afterward, in fact as soon as the first 5 minutes after I came out of sedation. For me, it was easy-peasy. I hope yours will be too. Just take it easy and don't overdo things -- and enjoy your holiday.
if it’s successful, you could feel wonderful. I woke up feeling amazing sadly it only lasted 3 1/2 weeks. If it doesn’t work, I don’t think feel any different than you do already mentally you’re probably going to be upset. When I had my second one it failed miserably I was going to be put on tikosyn and kept in the hospital five days in CCU to be monitored, but they could not get me into rhythm and I actually had quite a few problems during the cardioversion. Don’t let that scare you. I have an unusual situation then again we are all different so we all have unusual.
fingers crossed I’d love to have you wake up like I did the first time I could smile on my even though I was barely the GA then again part of that may have been the cocktail they give you lol I also had the giggles
Hi, I've had 3 cardioversions all worked and lasted for over 12 mths. My advice is take it easy for a few days and if you are on bisoprolol or anything similar monitor how you feel. For me continuing with biso after 1st cardioversion knocked my HR down to about 40 and I was knackered unable to do anything. My GP told me to stop and for all future cardios and ablations I've been taken off biso as soon as it works. So, easy does it, no marathons for a while and monitor how you feel.