Some of you asked me to update you after my cardioversion. I stayed in NSR for five days until I drank half a bottle of wine at a belated birthday celebration. Before some of you with sharp pens tell me I was stupid I can since being diagnosed with AFib I have cut my drinking to moderate, averaging no more than one drink per day, often none, occasionally more. I had no idea that it was advisable to cut it further after cardioversion. Had I known I would have avoided alcohol altogether for as long as I remained in NSR.
I did ask the nurse prior to cardioversion if there was anything activity I should avoid afterwards to maintain NSR as long as possible. She said 'no'. There was a report from the American College of Cardiology entitled 'Alcohol Abstinence Reduces Burden, Recurrence rates in Moderate Drinkers with AFib' dated March 2019. Surely enough time has passed for it to become standard for every patient receiving a cardioversion under the NHS to be given clear verbal if not written warning that virtually any alcohol may reduce the length of time they remain in NSR. It's not sufficient to rely on them picking up leaflets in waiting rooms, watching videos, assuming these contain the relevant warning, or posting on this site
Thanks in advance to anyone responding. There no longer seems to be a private message facility on this site and I don't want to fill the page with one word messages of thanks.