initially I was prescribed 200mh PiP for my PAF. When my episodes become every two weeks, I was given 2x100my daily ( plus the 200mg pip for every episode .
the daily doses don’t seem to have really had any effect in reducing in the episodes .
What I have noticed is that now - when I transition from stationary to moving - I sense palpitations as if my heart is struggling to adapt from one state to the other . Initially this was when I was exercising - I do sessions of two minutes exercising two minutes rest - and for the first few minutes my heart struggled to find a rhythm . This then passes and it becomes more normal - ie the hard two minutes get up up to 125 etc , the recovery back to 90 odd and so on.
now however it’s occurring doing what I would say is non- exercise activity . Yesterday at the driving range it went full AF … but I sat down and within 5 minutes returned to normal without any tablets etc . It happened again after laying on the floor for twenty minutes and then getting up quickly and running up the stairs . I am very fit … my resting pulse is 40 odd. I experience no pain or breathlessness during PAF - just the palpitations and irregular beats.
Question- could the flecainide make my heart less responsive to the change in activity levels ? I’m wondering if the daily amounts arent making PAF any less frequent , what’s the point of taking them ?