I was diagnosed with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation 16 months ago and have been using a PIP Flecainide approach. As my episodes were starting to get more frequent (4-5 per month) and of longer duration, my cardiologist recommended 2 x 50mg of Flecainide daily, using 50mg as a PIP if an episode occurred.
6 days into that regime I have now had 4 episodes already, 3 of which I terminated very quickly in less than an hour (a couple in less than 30 minutes) and one in around 2 hours (all using the PIP). Previously my episodes lasted around 4-8 hours.
I am happy (well, relatively speaking...) with the faster terminations, but 4 episodes in 6 days (and in fact it is 4 episodes in 2 days as the first 4 days were fine) is completely unprecedented for me. Is this a plausible side effect as the Flecainide builds up in the body or should I be concerned?