I began to have flu-like symptoms on 12th Dec. I tested positive for covid a few days after, but a negative test just before Christmas. Into the new year I had thick mucus and the coughing continued. Doc. would not prescribe any medication despite my HF and age (79) and advised honey,lemon, and ginger. My brother in law lives in Australia and over there over 70/at risk are prescribed anti viral medication. Is it a cost thing for NHS ? Today,15th Jan, is the first morning that I have not been coughing. Anyone on here had covid and were you prescribed any medication?
Covid - treatment?: I began to have flu... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Covid - treatment?
It’s not a cost thing on this occasion, it’s a risk:benefit protocol.
Only those who are considered at extreme risk are ever prescribed anti viral medication and GPs are unable to prescribe, you need to be hospitalised. I had COVID with pneumonia and am immune suppressed so was on the list of extremely vulnerable but by the time I got through the beaurocracy I was well past the 72 hours of window of opportunity when anti virals would be effective. In any case I wasn’t that seriously ill.
COVID is no longer considered a serious threat for most people, influenza is of much more concern. Rest and fluids and paracetamol if you have pain, as your doctor prescribed is the best advice and steaming and daily sinus rinsing will help clear thick mucus.
Different countries take very different views and have different protocols. I’ve had COVID 5 times now and the last few times had very mild symptoms.
Keep track of your O2 stats and unless they drop and stay below 92 or you have high fever in which case don’t hesitate to call 111 or 999, stay at home and you will recover.
Some of the anti virals do not come without complications and rebound is one of them.
Hope you feel better very soon.
As CD mentions Covid is a very mild infection these days and antivirals are not considered necessary in most cases plus the window of oportunity is narrow so you were likely out of it well before the worst of your symptoms began. It sounds like you had secondary infections following the virus. I had covid in mid November which laid me low for a couple of days . I tested positive for seven days but felt slightly "off" for a further fortnight
Thanks Bob, I suspected a possible secondary infection
Here in Canada, doesn't seem to be any concern with Covid now.Very hard to find test kits and less people wearing masks.
In doctors offices twice in last week and no sign of masks.
We still wear them when in gatherings (restaurants, etc).
Our grandchildren don't wear them anymore.
I have had Covid twice. Was mild and never went to the doctor.Jenny
There have unfortunately there has been reports of an increase in Covid and many other virus' over the winter period. I would encourage you to follow the doctor's advice and keep yourself hydrated, rest and listen to your body. if you notice any changes in your symptoms to seek medical help.
Take care
As Bob says, antivirals have to be given within a time frame, I believe 48 hours, for them to he effective. I was told this when I had chicken pox about 12 years ago.
In the UK, the anti-viral are prescribed only to certain medical categories of patients, I gather and are only useful in the early stages. In otherwise healthy people not at risk from severe covid (i.e. the vast majority these days thanks to vaccination and disease exposure), they confer little benefit from what I can see.
A productive cough is not treatable, generally, except in the ways your GP suggested, i.e. palliatively by taking soothing drinks. I would say inhalation might be helpful, too: steam with some mentholated of some kind (Olbas or Vick's) since this might help the upper bronchial tubes where the issue lies. Syrups can do nothing but they do taste nice.
We know we are all different and when we tested positive for covid, we felt no different from usual- me with my chronic fatigue and slight cold symptoms and my husband with a few sniffles too!
Anyone on the at risk/vulnerable list used to be given antiviral meds as soon as they tested positive. This was stopped along with free testing kits some time ago
I'm considered high risk because of leukemia. I got Covid twice, first time during the Omicron era. I never went to the doctor; treated myself with OTC products and supplements at my local pharmacy. I also used a nasal rinse with saline solution.