Has anyone on here come off Amlodipine and got the side effects I’m feeling this morning, of panicky feelings and shakiness.
anxious: Has anyone on here come off... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Forgot to say - I took Amlodipine for a while and had extremely positive results. Your problems may be coming from the other side.
Hi Sixtychick,
I’m sorry to hear you are still struggling with these feelings. I was reading back on your other posts - please can I just check, did you ever reduce your sotalol or come off it for any length of time, this time round?
Did you manage to speak to an arrythmia nurse?
Hi. All this started because the EP who did my ablation, in Sept 2023, said to we,when I had my last follow up appointment, to come off the Sotalol. I’d been on them a long time. I’d been doing ok and had gone down from 80mg to 20 mg, over a few weeks and then my BP started rising, to over 180/90 and I had to go to A&E. There I was put on 40 mg Sotalol again and they gave me something to bring my BP down. Wish I knew what it was, as I seemed ok taking that. The GP I saw on Monday, has put my Sotalol up to 60 mg, instead of giving me another BP tablet, so we’ll see how it goes. Sotalol does lower your BP and I didn’t realise that. I don’t have an arrhythmia nurse
Your GP should be able to see what the medication was that you were given in A&E that you liked, from your records, but it sounds like you don’t really necessarily need them now.
I did a google on amlodepine withdrawal and it seems that what you are suffering, with the light headedness and panick are common symptoms of amlodepine withdrawal. Did you stop it quite suddenly? I wonder if it is worth speaking to your GP and trying to get an appointment to discuss the best way to handle your withdrawal symptoms? Can you ring in the morning and try and get an appointment for that day?
It looks like from what I’ve read, the feelings do improve over time. There are quite a few online updates from various people who’ve reported that it improves. It’s a shame you had to go on a medication, to relieve the symptoms of coming off another med, then experience this into the mix. It’s never easy is it? 😔 I hope things improve for you quickly.
All the very best x
Thank you so much. Makes me feel a little better. Managed to make the dentist today, but I have got to have 2 fillings and I am booked in next Wednesday, so hope it is all gone by then, or I’d have to cancel it. I wish I’d never tried to come off the Sotalol now, then none of this would have happened. I know a couple of people on Amlodipine and they’ve not had any problems with it, I’m just unlucky, I guess.
I think, from what I’ve read, some get withdrawal symptoms and some don’t. It’s the usual ‘we are all different’ unfortunately. Medics also think these medications are easy to change or stop, which doesn’t make it any easier for us who have issues.
I know when I first tried to come off Bisoprolol ( I failed!) some people sail through it and others have a very bad time. I had a bad time. I’m due for my second ablation next week and I’m on a slightly higher dose of Bisoprolol this time round and it’s currently working well for me (and helping my anxiety) so I think I’ll try and stay on it, at least for a while anyway, as it’s just too awful to try and come off and I don’t want to put myself through it.
I hope you manage to get your teeth sorted. If you do have it done, don’t forget to ask for the adrenaline free anaesthetic.
Hi, so sorry you are feeling under the weather. Personal anecdote - husband felt anxious and jittery and just "wrong" mentally and physically both loading and Amiodarone and once coming off it took a good week or so to settle. He is very sensitive to medications sadly.
Thanks, good to know it’s not just me. Hoping things get better soon. I stopped on 8th January. The internet says it stays in your body for 10 days, so a few more days to go yet.
Yes I did and I was weaning off it contrary to my doctor and the pharmacist advice to just go cold turkey. I developed chest pain and a sharp rise in my BP along with jittery feelings.. So I've had to put myself back up to 1.25mg (with the pharmacist at my surgery's advice). I've been trying to wean off it since 5th November 2024. The pharmacist is calling me today as it happens to discuss what I can take in place of it. No way can I just stop it evidently.
That's the problem, we're all told so many different things...