Sorry, I’m having a moan again. You’ll be fed up of me. !!! It’s now day 5 since I stopped the Amlodipine and I’m still getting lightheaded feelings. It’s making me feel really down and a bit anxious. I just hope this goes soon.
Still feeling lightheaded. - Atrial Fibrillati...
Still feeling lightheaded.

Sorry to hear that you have this worry. Why don't you phone and have a chat with one of the AF nurses on this heart forum.
Hi jeanjeannie. They’re not there at this time 5.45 on a Sunday. My blood pressure has gone very high to 171/90. I cannot take those awful Amlodipine again. Think I’ll have to go to a walk in centre tonight.
My Chemist lady also a Natureopath said start to worry if it is higher than 100 plus your age.
Good that your diastolic at 90 is a little high and this is a level inside your heart.
Drink cool water and this will bring down your BP.
cherio JOY
My blood pressure is 167/ 90 this morning. I have managed to get a face to face appointment at 11am with a GP. I know they’ll put me on another tablet and I’m scared I’ll get lightheaded again. I feel so upset.
I had my GP appointment and my BP was 157/75. Go apsaid he wasn’t too worried and has put my Sotalol up to 60mg from 40. Sotalol is used as a BP medication, although mine was for my heart. I’m used to it, so should be ok. Just hope it brings my BP down. 🤞🤞
They wouldn't let me have sotalol as although it is used in high Systollic level, it is fundamentally a serious anti-rhythmic med to get one back into normal sinus.
But as I have always been in AF persistently and have structual damage - left atrium severely dilated it is not the relevant and safe med for me.
Sotalol should bring down your systollic level.
Fingers crossed Sixty-chick.
What is your H.R?
Losing weight is another approach. I lost another kg leaving bread out of my diet and eating only the Faros crepe things. Spinach filled is a good one.
I don't get anxious and you should not be ither.
cheri JOY
I have managed to get a face to face appointment with a GP today, at 11am, wonders will never cease.My blood pressure was 167/90 when I got up.scary. I am so worried, as I know I’ll have to go on another BP tablet and they all have lightheadness and dizziness as a side effect.
Personally I wouldn't overly worry too much with a BP of 167/90 but then I can always bring mine down by taking a deep breath in and and then breathing out through my mouth with a huff as quickly as I can. A few breaths like that and my BP returns to normal. Any anxiety will take my BP up too.
It will be interesting to see what your GP has to say.
Just thought.
You should be taking the Sotalol at night.
Try a bowl of Harraways Imported (from NZ) Organic Whole Oats.
That should do it.
cheri JOY
I take Sotalol morning and night, as I’ve always done. Can’t stand porridge oats.
Full oats don't go like porridge.
I put fresh fruit with it.
I do it in water as I have to wait 4 hours before I can have milk.
Sometimes you have to have a diet which you don't enjoy but a reformed diet to meds????? I know what I would choose.
Sometimes we have to help ourselves.
When I looked after my Mum when she went onto my low-fat diet - no gall bladder, she lost weight and didn't need her BP pills.
Away for a couple of weeks so best.
cheri JOY
I had my GP appointment this morning. My BP was 157/75 at Doctors, he said he wasn’t too worried about it and has increased my Sotalol to 60mg twice a day, from 40mg.It can go up more if needed, but hoping it does the trick.🤞🤞
How are you doing now?
My blood pressure is 167/90 this morning. I have a GP appointment, face to face surprise surprise, at 11am. I am scared. I know they’ll put me on another tablet. I hate this. I feel very teary this morning.
Oh dear, I'm really sorry. I know exactly how you feel. I hope all goes well. x
My GP appointment went well. My BP was 157/75 and the Dr said he wasn’t too concerned. He has increased my Sotalol to 60mg from 40mg. It is used to lower blood pressure., as well as a heart medication, whic( I’ve taken it for, for many years. I’m used to it, so should be ok, as long as it does lower my BP, so hopefully it’ll work. 🤞🤞
Can understand why you are anxious . My friend reducing her meds because of light headed feelings hasn’t noticed an improvement yet either
Can’t remember who is looking after you with this, but if it’s your GP can you contact cardiac nurses at the hospital , or if you have the readies , see a cardiologist privately , BP can be tricky to manage
I have had the most appalling time coming off beta blockers , unfortunately sometimes meds cause all sorts of problems not necessarily short lived . Your high bp may just be a temporary rebound problem, but I am not a doctor, it would be a good idea to ask someone who is . I do hope you see an improvement soon
My GP is looking after me. I don’t have any numbers for cardiac nurses. I had a Drs appointment thus morning. He’s putting up the dose of my Sotalol to 60mg from 40mg. Sotalol does lower your blood pressure. I’m used to them, so shouldn’t be a problem, just hope they higher dose works, although he said he’d put it up to 80mg, which is what I was on before I started reducing the,
I know it took 6 months for them to get my friends mum ‘s BP meds right . I do hope you feel better. Keep us posted with how the light headedness is going, very unpleasant for you
My GP appointment went well. My BP was 157/75 and Dr said he wasn’t too worried about it. He’s increased my Sotalol to 60 mg from 40 mg,. It is used as a BP medication, as well as a heart one. I’ve been on it a long time, so am used to it. Better than a BP tablet, if it works ok. Got my fingers crossed my BP goes back to normal 🤞🤞
Do hydrate as soon as you awake SixtyChick.
Water. Water. Green Tea.
cheri JOY
I reckon drugs that affect the heart can take a month to clear the system. Stick in there! The light-head might be from the anxiety, which will also send the BP up.
You likely know this, but to take your BP, do it first thing in the morning, after a shower, etc., but before any tablets or breakfast, and only a drink of water. Sit at a table staring at the garden or sky, trying to relax. Take the reading three times, or four, until you get the lowest consistent reading. Then have breakfast and do the whole thing again late morning to see if it's changed.
Thanks Steve. First thing this morning, it was 167/90. Just had my breakfast and have a face to face appointment with a GP at 11am.I know they’ll put me back on some sort of bp medication, which caused me all the awful side effects in the 1st place and I’m scared and upset this morning.
I'm on losartan, not for my BP but it is supposed to be "cardioprotective" over the long term. It might be as I also have bundle block? I take 100mg a day and, while it has brought my BP down a bit, it's caused no side effects whatsoever that I have noticed.
I was put on that some 4 months before my stroke. Systollic level was 160/90.
It didn't do much for me and I found protein in my urine so I stopped. That is one of the side effects. Check that there is no sediment in your urine.
cherio JOY
Good to hear. That must be similar to my Sotalol. I had my GP appointment this morning and my BP was 157/75. GP said he wasn’t too worried and has put up my Sotalol to 60 mg from 40mg, twice a day. It is sometimes used as a BP medication, although I’ve been on it for years. Just hope it works.🤞🤞🤞
I think it's hard to know what is truly "high" and whether it "matters" so the usual is to treat once 140/90 is reached.
My Chemist says if goes over 100 plus your age. That would be 176 for me
I questioned 150-160 back in 2019 when I was 70 = 170.
All the reading of 120/below 80 is rubbish if you read the chart.
My heart specialist wasn't concerned abput 140 / 75 in the afternoon.
Heart BP rises in morning.
I had my Stroke Embolic at 2am.
Perhaps it is mpore important in the Diastolic where it is measuring inside your heart?
I guess protein in the urine can lead on to urine infections.
It is an ACE blocker. Inhibrace was the first I was given in 2008. It made me cough. So I was changed to a Beta-Blocker.
I went down to the Kaeo Chemist who gave me 2 weeks supply only because she was running out of stock. That didn't suit me as not always open and 32 kms away.
cheri JOY
Gosh thats a long way from a chemists.I am feeling panicky this morning , I think due to stopping Amlodipine. I have wobbly legs too.
Oh how scary.
I know that amiodipine is a risky med.
Do take care.
You know how you feel.
cheri JOY
Amlodipine is poison. Wish I’d never been given it. It was only because I was told by theEP who did my ablation, to come off the Sotalol, which I had been doing slowly and had got down to 20mg, from 80 mg, when my BP went to 180/90 and I had to go to A&E, as they said it was too high. It’s called a hypertensive crisis. They put me back on 40 mg of Sotalol and got my blood pressure down. Sotalol lowers your blood pressure, so that’s why it went up when I’d nearly stopped it. The GP has put it up to 60 mg now, and my BP was 137/74 this morning.
My blood pressure went to over 180 and I rang 111 and they said I had to go to A&E. I am feeling panicky and anxious and shaky this morning. I think it’s a side effect of coming off this awful Amlodipine.
Because you are panicking... I lived with increased BP for years. My usual readings were 170/something to 180/something. Lately, I measured 230/100 and had no problems apart from "pressure feeling" in my head. So, try not to worry so much, it should not be life threatening.
I would be more guided by the diastolic (lower) reading since this is less affected by any current anxiety or stress. Anxiety, exercise or emotion can increase the systolic pressure (the top or higher one).
Steve th
The GP put my Sotalol up to 60mg from40mg, it lowers blood pressure, so glad I don’t have to be any othe BP medication.My BP this morning was 137/75. Still feeling a little bit light headed. I actually got a face to face appointment yesterday. Still got 4 days till the Amlodipine is out of my body.
I hope it goes for you too 🤞 Are you sure that that it's not the anxiety causing the lightheadiness?
I don’t think so.. It’s the side effects of coming off the BP tablets, I’m sure. My blood pressure is 167/90 this morning. I have managed to get a face t9 fac3 appointment with a GP today at 11am . Know I’ll have to take another bp tablet, but I am scared it’ll make me feel the same. All bp tablets have that as a side effect, I looked at them all, apart from diuretics.Maybe I can get them to give m3 those instead.
When I was first diagnosed the cardiologist took me off a diuretic as he said it had stripped minerals from me. Let us know hoe your appointment went?
Hi there. Iam sorry to learn this. WhAt has your doctors say about what's been going on...I would ring 111 and ask for advice about this...May be the Medication still inside the body and takes a little time to recover...I know how you are feeling because I have been though this myself, it's horrible experience especially feeling down and anxious. Iam in Benidorm at the moment and starting to feel unwell especially when iam walking about,it's horrible, there is alot of people coughing so I have to where a scarf around my mouth. I was really ill from the 30th December for 10days. Now iam starting to feel ill again...
I saw a GP yesterday, he has put my Sotalol heart medication up. Sotalol does lower your BP, so I’m hoping my BP will be ok now. It was 137/ 76 this morning. It takes 10 days for it to leave your body, I’ve still got 4 days to go. It is an awful feeling. Did you have this flu that’s going round? Hope you feel better quickly, not nice feeling ill when you’re away.
Hi there. Yes I had the flu, it was horrible especially at night when everyone is sleeping and you are there with your own thoughts thinking about this is it, I missed out having the flu jab, because iam so scared now taking new medication or injections I think it will do more damage to my Arotic root and ascending aneurysm of 40mm....iam trying to enjoy myself in Benidorm but to tell the truth I can relax 😌
This flu seems to be putting a lot of people in hospital. I have been having the flu jab for many years. I worked for nursing agencies for many years and they liked you to have it, to protect the old people we looked after. Try and relax and enjoy yourselfI expect it’s warmer than where I am. It’s freezing in the UK.
Had my blood pressure checked this afternoon at 3pm. 139/86 😮💨
Don’t know how old you are, but my GP said they like over 70’s to have their BP around systolic of 134. My BP was132/75 this afternoon.
Hi there, iam 49 years, I have checked my heart health on the NHS website, they said my heart health is like being 56 years old. Blood pressure problems runs in the of course it has landed onto me. I have made changes in my life and I still have high blood pressure issues