Hi everyone, I hope you have a lovely day. ❤️ Just a quick question. I intermittently get feelings of lightheadedness when I feel as if I’m going to pass out (but I never have). It lasts for seconds and then I recover but it’s a frightening feeling when it happens. At the same time, I have a ‘strange’ fluttering feeling in my chest. I do drink copious amounts of water because I feel that does help but when I’m out walking or shopping it’s quite a dreadful experience. Does anyone else experience this ‘blip’ from time to time, I would like to know if it’s normal when diagnosed with AF. 🐝
Lightheaded?: Hi everyone, I hope you... - Atrial Fibrillati...

It can be and oftwen due to slight paus in heart beat as you go from AF to NSR aor back and forth.
This pre-syncope can be due to low blood pressure as well so best discuss with your GP.
Thank you for your reply Bob. I am on Adizem for hypertension but have noticed my pulse rate can drop as low as 43 when resting although that would not be the case if I was walking when my pulse fluctuates between 60 and 90 depending on my speed. I must admit that I’ve often wondered if this is a normal resting heart rate. I will ask the question when I next see my cardiologist. 🐝
I used to feel like I was going to pass out, it was like a blackness coming down. Suddenly when nearing the point of fainting it would disappear and I'd be fine. Have only had it once since my third ablation in July 2016.
Is this what you experience?
Hi Jean. I don’t feel blackness just a fading away that never quite happens. It happens about once or twice a week. Very hard to describe the feeling but uncomfortable. Glad to hear you no longer have this. 🐝
That's a lot of times for you to have that symptom. Think you need to make your GP aware of how you're feeling. Could your blood pressure be dropping too low?
I get it as BobD says when reverting from AF to NSR, not every time, it used to upset me but I kind of look forward to it now when I’m in AF as it’s the end of an episode. My episodes are not very symptomatic and only got diagnosed after my Apple Watch identified AF or I would not have known and put things down to an off day. I now know the signs and when to check for AF which has just happened in the last hour, I’m in AF at 70bpm average so waiting for that feeling to revert, doubt it will be before bed tonight but living in hope. If you don’t know you’re in AF then your first indication might be when you revert to NSR.
PS just read your reply to Bob, my resting HR can be low to mid 40s when NSR. I do a lot of walking and depending how hard I push can be anywhere between 60 and 130, about 80-90 on level path, was a little higher before bisoprolol prescribed.
Edit: Back in NSR, and for the last 90 mins by the look of my HR history, didn’t feel it this time, was just pottering in the garden taking it easy, distracted from checking.
Rather than guess. it sounds like a 7 to 14 day EKG monitor might be helpful and worth discussing with your doctor. It may, or may not show a correlation between what you're feeling and an arrhythmic change.
Yes, I had episodes like that but it lasted for much longer than just a few seconds and also affected my balance and I also have a dry mouth, nausea, shaking and feeling very cold with it. Also had a low heart rate. Last time it happened, in June this year, I was admitted thru A&E to the coronary care unit and was told that I wasn’t responding to medication and that they could do no more for me apart from fitting a pacemaker, which I readily agreed to and was then transferred to a London hospital where I was duly fitted with an emergency pacemaker, So far, since having a pacemaker inserted, I have had no more episodes. I really can’t fault the care I received,
Although this can happen when reverting to Sinus rhythm from AFib, it can also happen during an AFib episode or even in permanent AFib.
Too long a pause between heartbeats. It can lead to total loss of consciousness.
These are the exact symptoms that I had but ignored for a very long while until I had it when driving and actually blacked out. Ended up with a pacemaker due to heart block.
Similar to this and now have a Pacemaker so best to seek advice from your cardiologist.
I get dizziness when HR is over 110 to 115 ish (resting) for long periods and when my blood pressure drops. Never fanted so I tend to just drink plenty of fluids and keep going.Yours sounds bit more near fainting than that so best checked out.
My experience with this as a plumber, was working bending down and up many times was diagnosed what is called syncope, I was told if it happens again to stop my bisoprolol, you need to see your cardiology person ASAP , I have now had an Ablation , please seek A and E if you can't get to cardiology, good luck
It's called "pre-syncope" and I think it is not unusual. I have had it rarely, and I believe that it is made much worse by the anxiety it also, by its very nature, causes. It's something to discuss with your GP, but likely nothing to be overly concerned with.
S no
Steve thank you. 🐝
I echo much of the above. Reporting these happenings I went through the familiar routine of EKG, 24 hour Holter, 7 day Holter, then Implanted Loop Recorder. When faints turned to blackout and collapse (ILR showing heart stops of up to 14 seconds) hospitalised and got a pacemaker straight away (2016) - and great ever since (in AF now 96% for some years now).
So don't ignore these early interludes - talk to GP?Cardiologist soon.
Do you check your BP when you feel light headed? It an be a symptom of low BP, however brief.
Yes, Qualipop I do but usually by the time I’ve put the cuff on, as usual, my BP has changed. I need a machine that I can look at immediately it happens or wear a 48 hour monitor. I’ve worn a 24 hour one which detected AF and an extra heartbeat intermittently but I didn’t have an episode of lightheadedness at the time. 🐝
I agree that is a problem. I had numerous monitors to check ectopics but for a year none ever did.
I now have an ECG mobile device which does 30 second recordings whenever I use it during an episode of light headedness or when I feel extremely tired for no reason. I bought it online because it's been approved by medical associations. (It's expensive)
Bunkular, please can you message the details to me? I’m relying on my Fitbit for pulse readings but of course it doesn’t give the information you relate to. Thank you 🐝
ECG device: Kardia Mobile (the 6 line model) which costs $169 on Amazon. It arrived in 3 days and all you do is download the app onto your cellphone and the readings are stored there and wherever you choose to send it - I use Google Drive with a password. But it shows you right on your cellphone Kardia app all the details of the 30 second blippity blips & your HR. You can ask your doc if you can share the file with him / her.
Bunkular thank you for this information I’ll have a look on Amazon. Thanks again 🐝
Keep in mind that your country may have a similar device that's approved by your medical authorities. Kardia is made in the USA and Canada has a similar & cheaper one but has only a single lead. Still - a single lead is all you really need.
I was lightheaded with CCB DILTIAZEM @180mg.
My H/R had plummered 105 bpm. To 51.
I spoke to Healthline Dr who asked me to reduce BB Bisoprolol on a Sunday then Wednesday talking to Heart Foundation NZ. The nurse knew my private H/Specialist so it was arranged that a prescription of Diltiazem 120mg be done. A separation of CCH and BB.
So i take 120mg Diltiazem in AM no food for H/R.
2.5mg Bisoprolol PM
Now my H/R controlled Day is 60s but it has dropped from 88-96 Day after a year of taking the above.
ECGs show that I can't do without CCB Diltiazem AM or 2.5mg PM.
Now I am:
BP 110-130 / 69. and H/R 60s Day at rest but H/R over 3 x 24hr H/monitors show 47 avge H/R at Night.
Thinking you might pass out is a worry and your Dr & H/Specialist need to be told urgently.
cheri. JOY. 74. (NZ)
hi Elizabeth - Yes I get EXACTLY what you have described - thankfully it doesn’t happen very often - maybe once every 4-6 months - I’m pretty chilled but I hate this even more than the AF and sometimes wonder if when it happens the “panic” then results in triggering an AF episode - I’ve talked it though with a number of consultant and they don’t know and have said they think it’s likely due to a sudden drop in blood pressure - not much help I know - worth noting I remember having this very occasionally some years ago long before I was ever diagnosed with AF or before I was ever aware of having an AF episode (and I’m aware)
Hi, MWIC. This post has come up with numerous answers to this issue but my GP like your consultants cannot say he knows what the cause is unlike many of the above replies who have had diagnoses and even pacemakers fitted. I will take this further when I visit my Cardiologist and will post the outcome on here. Thank you for your reply. 🐝
Good luck Elizabeth and yes please do - it’s difficult to do anything sensible when this happens and I’ve tried to see if my blood pressure has dropped etc but it’s always too late as it only lasts seconds and then I’m in AF . AF isn’t pleasant at the best of times but this is just downright scary - guess it’s the feeling of just not being in control but really dread this happening even though like you I have never actually passed out