I had a cardio ablation 13 weeks ago and I’ve been out of breath when walking or going upstairs since. Iam also very tied. Could you please share your experience and any advice
iam due to see my consultant in 2 weeks .
I had a cardio ablation 13 weeks ago and I’ve been out of breath when walking or going upstairs since. Iam also very tied. Could you please share your experience and any advice
iam due to see my consultant in 2 weeks .
It takes time, some people a lot longer than others. I think it was 9-12 months before my HR settled and I started to gain some stamina. Even then I think many of us find that SOB on exertion up hill and climbing stairs can persist however you are relatively young and should continue to improve. Hopefully you have not had AF?
Best wishes for long lasting NSR
Some people take longer to recover than others. I had my ablation in March 2024 and had a few blips in the recovery process, mainly indigestion especially when I went to bed at night. This continued for a few months. I would say contact your arrythmia nurses for advice, this is what I did
how is your general breathing? Are you ok when talking and at rest? If so then hopefully it will just take time to build up your stamina. If you are struggling with breathing in general then let your EP know. I had difficulty breathing after my cryo ablation and turned out that the EP had gone too close to my phrenic nerve.
I'd say it's early days yet...I've had 3 and took longer to recover after the 2nd and 3rd one than the suggested time... but I'd be sharing this with your consultant, for sure.
I had similar with my second ablation last August. I was in sinus rhythm, but after an ecg it turned out I had developed atrial flutter (which made me feel like you describe). My EP did a touch up ablation & it sorted it. Hopefully it’s not that in your case, but I’m sure you’ll get answers at your upcoming appointment. Good luck!
I had a pulse ablation 10/1 and also have experienced getting out of breath and tiredness (I need a nap once or twice a day and there is really no stopping me from falling asleep when I need a nap). I have mostly turned the corner on being severlky out of breath going up and down stairs and my energy has picked up significantly though naps are still required. I hope you turn the corner shortly from what seems to be "normal" during recovery.
I had a pf ablation 2024Oct02. I'm feeling really good with good energy levels and no napping. But, I have had 2 or 3, seemingly random, days of very unusual breathlessness with moderate exertion, the first near right before Xmas. By random, I mean a hike on one day and I am fine; a week later on a similar hike, I am struggling to breath. I mentioned this at my 3 month follow up and the practitioner was not concerned.
Hi milo, that happened to my husband only to find out the surgeon punctured his lung and did not tell us... he ended up back in the hospital on oxygen.... just a thought🙏🏼