3 am and wide awake with COVID. Looking for any advice about anti vitals. Did most people take them or are there symptoms to look for and then go to a doctor? First time I have had it. There seems to be a lot of it around in Sydney at the moment. Cheers and hope everybody has a great 2025.
COVID : 3 am and wide awake with COVID... - Atrial Fibrillati...
In general I would say that it's ok to sit Covid out at home. How are you feeling with it? If you say, then we can advise better. Certainly if you find yourself too tired to get out of bed, well that's when I'd say to call for medical help asap. Is there a health care number you can call to seek advice?
I've had it twice and was in hospital with pneumonia when first told I had Covid as well. Can't remember what I was given tablet wise. The second time it lasted 5-7 days but was very mild and I just stayed home and took no meds for it at all.
Feel tired. Not sleeping well. Feel like I have a bad flu but can get around. Maybe I should have had the latest vaccine earlier last year.
Are you feeling really cold? When did you discover that you had Covid? I had the first three Covid jabs when they came out but none since, think that may have been in 2021. Don't worry about not sleeping, you can sleep on in the morning. Stay home and keep away from other people. I'm afraid I'm one of the people who eventually thought that the jabs did more harm than good. We all have different opinions.
Do you have an oximeter? It is a good idea to check your oxygen levels so you can call for help immediately if they start heading downwards. Hope you get over it quickly.
The last two occasions I had Covid it was little worse that a common cold though the temperature over the first day was maybe higher. Probably helped by being fully vaccinated of course. Paracetamol and plenty of fluids and rest is all you need unless you find difficulty breathing in which case seek medical attention. In my last case I tested negative after eight days but it was prbably a fortnight in total before I was back to normal.
Don’t know the criteria in Australia for anti-virals but in UK they are only available if hospitalized or through special agency if you are on extremely vulnerable list.
Good advice above, you do need to get immediate medical advice if your O2 sats stay at 92% or below, have a high fever otherwise you should recover in 5-7 days.
I’ve had COVID 5 times now, am on extremely vulnerable list and not taken anti-virals yet.
In UK Flu is more prevalent at the moment. Hope you recover very soon.
5 times wow you were unlucky glad you've recovered from them all.I'm.in New Zealand where the minute you test positive you get an Ani viral from any pharmacy you don't even need go to uour GP I imagine is the same in Australia. .
I watch GB news so am following the news and weather seems Flu is rampant I did wonder if it was flu and not Covid with the C word being avoided at all costs
Thanks for the replies guys. O2 was 93 yesterday morning but was 97 in the afternoon. This is my third day. I have had 5 jabs in total but the last was over a year ago. I wasn't sure if the vaccine had anything to do with my Afib getting worse. It all happened around the same time. Paranoia setting in.
I stopped having the vaccines in 2023, October was my last. The last time I got COVID was November 2023. My AF burden improved after I stopped having the vaccinations and anecdotally there is a lot of feedback of vaccines increasing AF - but then COVID will also do that!
I felt my immune system was completely overwhelmed by all of the vacccines - I had 4 in two months for COVID, Flu and Shingles. I got Flu with pneumonia and then shingles a few months later. This year I have had a mild cold with a slightly chesty cough.
Look up the COVID breathing exercises on YouTube or a medical site. Do them several times each day or when you feel congested.
They do work and help to clear your chest and keep oxygen levels up.
Take the standard dose of paracetamol at the recommended daily intervals while unwell and for 2-3 days after you begin to feel better.
Keep well hydrated , have some vitamin C in fluids, if you aren't eating you may need Electrolytes sachets in time. Eat light but nutritional little food portions as eating helps recovery.
Sleep with your head and body raised on comfy pillows it reduces chest congestion and makes it easier to fall to sleep.
Like with a flu if you can use it some menthol rub before bed can bring relief.
Anti Virals are usually only recommended if you have pulmonary or congestive heart conditions that already affect your breathing in the UK. If the bout of COVID is mild to moderate the recommendation is to use usual treatments for flu.
Still get a vaccine , leave it a month after full recovery if you are due one.
The vaccine may not prevent you getting COVID 100% but they are effective in preventing most people getting severe symptoms and reduce the risk of hospitalisation.
If you are not intolerant to the vaccines it's a sensible precaution to get them when you have long term health conditions of any sort because people with chronic health conditions do get more serious symptoms from infections.
Hope you recover quickly, Bee
Actually the advice to take Paracetamol is counter productive. Raising temperature is the body's mechanism for killing microbes so artificially lowering it is more likely to prolong the period of infection. Paracetamol also lowers the body's production of glutathione a major antioxidant that is important in the functioning of the immune system. Recent studies have shown that Paracetamol is a good deal less safe than touted and is deleterious to the heart as well as the liver. Taking the occasional dose for extreme pain or fever that is so high it is kicking off afib is probably ok but just taking it because you feel unwell at the recommended maximum dose is risky. Most respiratory ailments will respond to rest and extra fluids like honey , ginger and lemon drinks. Chewing raw garlic works as an antiviral.
I'm not going to get into a debate about Paracetamol. It is well tested and the safer option.I will , however, point out that raw garlic is not a safe antiviral option for many people.
As well as being inconsistent in it's results , many people take anticoagulants and antiplatelets with heart conditions like AFib and large amounts of garlic increase the bleeding time so this type of home remedy isn't appropriate at all.
What nonsense .Eating garlic is not advised against for people on anticoagulants. If it was. in lots of countries like France where I live where large amounts of garlic are consumed as part of the normal diet warnings would be given. They are not. You obviously are not up to date on the latest research into Paracetamol
I am up to date with guidelines about paracetamol.There is a difference between eating reasonable quantities of garlic in food and using raw garlic in large quantities as a alternative treatment or using high dose garlic supplements.
Warnings are given about the risks of taking large amounts of garlic , raw or in supplement form , no matter which country you are in.
Raw Garlic cures are also known to cause digestion related stress ( body shock) which can trigger nausea , stomach issues , vomiting, gastric reflux and an increase in heart symptoms including Afib.
If you are going to suggest these types of home cures you should include the precautions in your replies to ensure that people can make the appropriate medical choices based on their individual medical history or needs. Just because complementary remedies or natural cures are often made of a food product does not mean it is safe or appropriate for everybody to try out, especially those with chronic health problems.
Where did I say anything about taking garlic oil supplements? Or eating large amounts? I have used raw garlic successfully to reduce symptoms for respiratory viruses by chewing one clove 2 or 3 times a day or chopping a clove into soup or putting on top of cheese on toast if chewing up a clove is too strong.
Guidelines are not the same as research. It can take many years before guidelines change as a result of research. You only have to look at drugs which were touted as being safe then being withdrawn from the market due to an accumulation of research. Paracetamol is not an antiviral nor an antibiotic . It has deleterious effects on the liver and research done in mice in April last year shows that even at low levels it affects proteins that are invoved in over 20 different signalling pathways in the heart. If further research shows that this is also true for humans then that could have wide implications for arrythmia patients. It has already been shown to have adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with heart failure.
I'm glad that it works for you. That amount of raw garlic is obviously something you have used for a long time , you are accustomed to it , you can tolerate it , but it doesn't mean that others whom aren't used to garlic in that form will tolerate it or not have an adverse reaction to it.And many people do need to avoid consuming a larger amount of garlic in one go ( 2-3 garlic cloves at once or in short interval is large for most people) because of their illnesses or medications or because of the gagging reflex.
I'm not saying don't suggest your garlic remedy.
I'm only suggesting that you take the time to include the potential side effects and include the warning of interactions with some people's illnesses or medications so people can make an informed decision when you add the suggestion of a natural cure, just as you take the time to criticise or warn against use of pharmaceutical treatments.
I'm sure you wouldn't want to imply there are no side effects with it and then see a post showing that someone tried it and got sick and triggered an AFib episode as you are a caring person.
When I was in hospital with a bowel abscess and on three antibiotics at once they made a point of saying that my temperature had gone up to a certain level and therefore I must have a dose of paracetamol so I gathered from that that they didn’t consider it useful to give it regularly. I know I’m a bit odd but taking paracetamol regularly upsets my digestive system and when I stop I have to taper off otherwise I get a very unpleasant rebound effect.
I hate taking Paracetamol . Even in small amounts it upsets my digestive system and makes me feel very bloated. In 2014 we had a bike accident and I hit the tarmac on my front . I bruised my ribs badly though luckily no break. Breathing was painful and I read online that you have to try to breathe normally or you risk getting pneumonia so I took Paracetamol for about 10 days . Shortly afterwards I got acute diverticulitis for the first time. I knew I had diverticuli as they had shown up with a barium enema that I'd had 13 years previously but they had never caused any trouble before. I found a paper written by 2 gastroenterologists from Dundee hospital that said Paracetamol could provoke diverticulitis in some people. I had never taken it for so long before as it was useless for period pain . It just seems too much of a coincidence that the diverticulitis followed on from taking it. I last took it in Dec 23 as the respiratory infection I had was giving me such a high temperature it was kicking off the afib. I was very loathe to take it but I had 3 episodes in 4 days. I would rather take aspirin but that 's not advisable with the Apixaban.
I honestly think you need to read the ongoing research into the effect of the vaccines on the human immune system. The latest is that the SV40 component in the Pfizer vaccination has been found in colorectal tumours and replicates itself. This was published in Science, Public Health Policy and the Law. I’m staying right away from it, it’s more dangerous by the day.
I do read ongoing research , but I think it's important to read research from both sides of the debate on deciding between the risks and the benefits of having a vaccine, and I choose to go by the numbers of those whom have received protection rather than the headlines of research which on reading gives small numbers for these potential risks . I also make decisions on the type of vaccination I have, I elect not to use Pfizer , I have had no issues from using vaccines and thankfully because of vaccines and the safety measures I had to follow during the Pandemic I have not had COVID.Because of my various health issues I am immunosuppressed and am in a high risk category. I was kept on the extreme social distancing measures and could not go out or have visitors ( except for my husband) for more than six months and until after I'd received two vaccinations. For someone with my history the vaccines are a lifeline because I have experience of needing incubation and hospitalisation from flu , for which I also need to vaccinate.
I think it’s really important to stay informed, but equally important is assessing the credibility of our sources and how we interpret research. For instance, the Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law publication isn’t widely recognised as a credible source by the scientific community due to concerns about its peer-review standards.
The topic of SV40 isn’t new—it was actually investigated back in the 1960s when some polio vaccines were found to be contaminated with SV40. At that time, research involved testing on laboratory animals. In recent years, similar claims have resurfaced, but the scientific community has clarified that non-infectious fragments of an SV40 sequence may be used during vaccine development as part of the manufacturing process. However, the final product does not contain infectious SV40 virus. Any residual DNA in the vaccine is well within regulatory safety limits and does not include oncogenes (genes that could promote cancer).
I absolutely encourage curiosity and reading research—it’s a great way to learn. The challenge is that interpreting research and applying it accurately requires a lot of training and context. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have the tools to fully assess the quality of studies or separate solid evidence from misinformation. I think this highlights the value of trusting qualified scientists and researchers who have the expertise to do this work carefully.
G’day from the south coast of NSW. Loads of people seem to be getting COVID at the moment. Antivirals are only available for high risk groups and you need to take them within the first 24 hrs or so of having covid so too late for you now. If you have AF I think you’re in the group who can get them. You only need to call your local doctors for a prescription.
Bed rest, loads of fluids and Panadol is the other order of the day. I hope you recover soon. It’s knocking people around for a few weeks these days.
I also haven’t had a vaccination for a while. I’ve had 5 and my last was April 2023. It creates havoc with my arrhythmias and it progressively getting worse with each vax so I decided to have a break. I’ll reassess again this year in consultation with my doctors.
Have you talked to doctor, might be a good idea?
I had covid twice, I didn’t take any covid vaccines. My husband contracted covid and passed it on to me twice but his third time he got covid I didn’t get it. He took the covid vaccines, before he ever got covid).
His first round of Covid, he was more sick (like a medium to fairly bad upper respiratory infection) even though he is very fit and healthy. He had an antibiotic and Ivermectin and felt better by day 2 (because he is a former smoker, his doctor ordered those only because he is a former smoker with lung damage). He never used meds the other two rounds of covid.
I didn’t take anti-viral medication or any medication besides 1 paracetamol for a headache.
I had been on higher doses of Vitamin D3 with K2, zinc, B vitamins and C, for about two months before I contracted covid the first time. I only had a bad headache for 23 hours and a slight dry cough. Second covid event I had no symptoms except 1/2 a day of tightness in chest, then it was gone. Very fortunate.
I had no fever and no lethargy, my hubby had those, more with first round of covid, less the severe the next two rounds of covid.
He did get Hashimoto’s after taking the first two covid shots and his Endocrinologist believes it was from the shots (because he has a number of other patients who developed autoimmune diseases after the shots).
We did check our oxygen and temperature.
Hoping you will soon feel back to normal and have no issues. Get well, soon!
I wouldn't have any more jabs of any sort at least until you have beaten the Covid and your AF is stabilised. You want your immune system to be as strong as possible and several here and elsewhere have referred to C-jabs inflaming the heart.
It puzzles me as to why some people believe having C-jabs reduces the risk of a severe infection and others think they increase the chance of catching it. I suspect it is all down to media influence as in my simple mind there is no way of proving it either way. We will all have to be patient to find out what is the best policy to follow.
The problem I see is that the official sources refuse to see any possible harms, and those who have concerns stay quiet for fear of their jobs. On the other hand there is ample evidence if you look that harms do exist. The great majority of people don't seem to have obvious negative effects from the jabs, but there is a clear minority who do, I've seen estimates of 5 to 10%.
What we need is open and honest disclosure of trial data, for the official line to properly acknowledge the risks, for the data to be used to stratify people's risk e.g. young males have a higher myo/peri-carditis risk from the jab, whereas type A blood group and vitamin D deficient are at elevated risk from the bug itself.
Pfizer and others know darned well that there are risks, as the release under FOI of their Mar '24 report 5 C4591021 proves. Arrhythmia hazard ratios from their own trials:
"For arrhythmia the adjusted HRs were
1.75 (95% CI: 0.88, 3.49) in Pedianet,
1.03 (95% CI: 1, 1.05) in NHR,
1.36 (95% CI: 1.29, 1.44) in PHARMO,
1.12 (95% CI: 1.04, 1.21) in EpiChron,
0.99 (95% CI: 0.96, 1.03) in SIDIAP, and
1.27 (95% CI: 1.21, 1.33) in CPRDAurum."
(The names are different databases/centres).
As yet I have seen NO solid data to justify the statement or belief that whilst the jabs may indeed not prevent you from catching C19, they reduce its effect.
The last thing I read on the subject was evidently 80% of NHS workers had elected not to have any more C-jabs. More could be said but I am not sure anything more than a 'I've read' warning that for some, depending on the manufacture and batch no, it can be unlucky with an inflamed heart or worse.
All information needs to be thoroughly reviewed and released. Unbiased and non political. I suppose we are like an ant colony. It's not about the individual ant it's about making the colony as a whole stronger.
Agreed. There has been data showing that the mRNA jabs damage the immune system by switching to a higher proportion of the type of antibodies involved in allergy thus making the body tolerate the virus rather than actively fighting it off. This would explain why some of the overjabbed went through a phase of getting umpteen covid infections that they had difficulty shaking off alongside worse colds than usual. There are many aspects of the immune system that are not fully understood and I think we will be seeing the bad effects of these hastily introduced , inadequately tested jabs for a long time yet. What does seem plain is that those in good health who stuck to their guns and refused the jabs have not died like flies as the propaganda predicted. My husband is 80 and has had no jabs . I think he had covid in Dec 2019 as he certainly had all the symptoms including diminished smell and taste. Since then he has had a couple of bad colds with a cough. I have had one Janssen jab in Aug 21 which I very much regret . As far as I know I have never had covid and had my first cold and cough for seven and a half years in Dec 23. We both have high vit D levels and take NAC 4 x a week. All the people I know who have had lots of jabs are always getting bugs and many have had covid several times.
Wife had anti virals when she had first bout of Covid - she felt worse with the meds.
We had a second bout last Feb after my Dad went into hospital and kindly gave me it. This time it was just like a head cold with runny nose - not like the first time which was much worse. She didnt bother with the anti virals the second time, although I dont know if the UK are still giving them out.
I heard the flu vaccine has not been effective this year as the predictions were not 100% correct
I've had 9 anti covid jabs with no affect other than a sore muscle where they injected me and the last jab was a double one as I had the anti flu one at the same time in the same muscle.
All the best.
All you need is a positive Covid test and being in a high risk group in the U.S. I took Paxlovid and all seemed fine for a few days, then a severe allergy hit me in the form of an itchy all over rash, even the bottoms of my feet and inside my mouth- I had to take prednisone for about 10 days and that brought on aFib and I'm still having hives. So I will sure never take it again.
Our friends reacted badly to the jabs and also to antivirals. I've had two jabs and I wish I hadn't. I had Covid and am thankful for the natural immunity it might have given me.
My husband contracted shingles-like blisters after his two jabs and then had to get an anti-viral. That stopped the rapidly spreading problem. So that's our experience with them.
I recall Fauci saying he was on 8,000 mg of vitamin D daily during the early days of Covid. Since then, doctors who researched the reasons people died said everyone who died was low in vitamin D. So lots of vitamin D would be my suggestion. Oil of oregano is another natural remedy for pneumonia risk and needing antibiotics. It's amazing what we can treat with just OTC products.
I’ve had 7 jabs since 2020 and fingers crossed never contracted COVID. I’m lining up for my eighth on Monday. An ABC radio national report 4 days ago said we’re in the grip of a Summer COVID wave. Australia has settled into a winter and summer spike so getting vaccinated every six months if over 75 or if younger and immunocompromised is helpful as it lessens severity. You needed to get the antivirals at onset … call the GP to see if you still can as you don’t want to end up with long-COVID. I can’t get the link from my Apple podcast so search COVID 19 Summer wave hits - Radio National Breakfast. Best seven minutes of my time for advice on what we need to do now. Obviously I’m not an anti-vaxxer so those of you who are this post is not of any interest to you and I’d appreciate you respecting my point of view as I do yours.