I have had my last follow up appointment with the EP who did my ablation and he said for me to try and come off Sotalol again. I had tried to do this a while ago and had got down to 20mgs, when my BP soared to very high levels of 185/96 and I rang 111 and was told to go to A&E and I was put back on 40mg Sotalol, twice a day and given blood pressure medication, Amlodipine 5 mg ( did put a post on here about this) The Amlodipine had been changed to 2.5 mg, as the 5 mg made my BP a bit low and I was getting a woozy feeling. I noticed the GP has already altered my medication on my medical records, to 5 mg. I am now worried about reducing the Sotalol again and taking 5 mg of Amlodipine again. I wondered if anyone on here have tried to come off Sotalol and had problems. I’d be interested to know if you’ve been able to stop it, how you managed it. I’d be grateful for any help and reassurance. It would be good not to have to take it anymore, but I am anxious about it. Thanks.
Coming off Sotalol: I have had my last... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Coming off Sotalol

I had tried to do this a while ago and had got down to 20mgs, when my BP soared to very high levels of 185/96
When your blood pressure went to 185/96 you were not taking blood pressure medication ? And this was after the ablation ? Is you heart rate and BP now controlled ?
Best to insure your EP and GP consult with each other and follow their advice.
I was not taking blood pressure medicine then and it was just over a year since I had the ablation, when this happened. I have never had blood pressure problems before and have never had any blood pressure medication before either.
Others will hopefully provide info, but as mentioned would insure your GP and EP consult each other to provide the best care.
I had terrible problems coming off bisoprolol. The only way I could come off a tiny 1.25mg dose was very slowly , literally a crumb at a time. Had all sorts of Adrenalin rushes at night and a variety of tachycardias and terrible anxiety which persisted for over a year after I stopped. All settled down now . I have low blood pressure no medication. And do not give beta blockers al over my notes. It would have to be life and death before I would take them again
Thanks for your reply. That was a long time for you to feel ok after stopping them .Glad you’re ok now. I was going to do it 20 mg at a time. Only on 40 mg twice a day, so I shall take a month at a time, before I lower it further. I’m hoping my ectopics don’t get worse, if they do, or my BP gets too high, even with Amlodipine, I’ll have to go back on them. That’s the trouble if you’ve been on a drug a long time.
Sotalol requires a very slow pace coming off it. I needed a month.
Thanks for replying. No-one else who’s answered me, has been on Sotalol, you’re the first. Did you get any problems with heart rhythm disturbances or anything else, after stopping it ? I’ve not started reducing it yet.
I had no arrhythmia problems when I stopped by extreme fatigue, sleepiness, shortness of breath, painful legs, headaches, ..
I weaned off in a month, and that should have been MUCH longer.
Thanks. I will do 20 mg at a time, for a month at a time. That’s what I did last time and got from 80mg to 20 mg twice a day and then started getting very high blood pressure and was put back on 40 mg Sotalol and started on 2. 5mg Amlodipine for the high blood pressure. Blood pressure is fine at the moment andI’ve now been given 5mg Amlodipine, for if my blood pressure goes higher when I start coming off them again. If it doesn’t work, I guess I shall probably have to stay on 40mg Sotalol and 2.5mg amlodipine, as everything seems to be ok on those, but I would really like to come off the Sotalol if I can. Just hoping it goes better this time🤞🤞🤞. Hope I don’t get any of the problems you got, but good to know it didn’t affect your heart.
I was on Sotalol 40mg twice day. I gradually reduced this over a three month period and currently not taking any. Not had any problems so far. Mentally I think my heart is thumping but looking at my watch I am always in or around the high 50’s bpm.
You are lucky it didn’t affect your blood pressure.. I took my BP this afternoon and I tried not to stress, but it was 148/86, not as bad, but still stage 2 hypertension. Will try and get an appointment tomorrow. Got dentist in the morning, so that won’t help.
Sotalol does have an impact on blood pressure, so its essential that this is monitored as Sotalol is reduced or removed altogether.