I guess this is more for those waiting than for me. Had my RF ablation for persistent asymptomatic AF 3 weeks ago now. Waiting list time was 12 months. As I work in healthcare I was terrified and spent the year with a feeling of doom hanging over me. Actually had the procedure done at the hospital where I work. Knew my anaesthetist. Very weird being on the other side of the curtain so to speak. Anyway. For those who are worried. Don’t. Pretty straight forward process. Admit to day procedure area, clothes off, groin shave, IV cannula in, hop onto the table, gas to sleep, 3.5 hours later wake up. Job done. Not sure I’d put highly recommended on my Google review but if you need it you need it.
Ablation Done: I guess this is more for... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ablation Done

Just as we tell people. As a devout coward I would not have had four if there was anything to worry about.
If I need a redo,I'm going to find a hospital that's offers GA this time! Glad all went well.
There appears to a school of thought that GA. delivers better results due to the fact that you are completely still.
Yeah I had mine under sedation a week ago and whilst not dreadful, it wasn’t comfortable and I did ask for more pain killers. Seeing as they ‘knocked me out’ at the end to do a cardioversion, I do wonder why I was awake for any of it. If I need another and a GA is not an option I still wouldn’t hesitate to have it done. I likened it to a tooth extraction. It’s nobody’s idea of a fun day out but it doesn’t really hurt it’s just a bit unpleasant but you’ll feel better for it after.
When I mine the last part was absolutely excruciating, and I have high pain threshold. I thought I was having a Cardiac arrest
Definitely the worst pain ever,and I've had several tooth extractions
I threatened to get off the table,unlikely as I was hooked up lol!On review apparently I had absolutely minimum pain relief and sedation, unclear why.
On the day,they did respond, heard the magic words..FENTANYL...fine after that
What a nice re-assuring post for those waiting for a cardiac ablation. How are you feeling now?
All good now. Still in blanking so some weird flutters etc going on. Follow up in 8 weeks so we’ll see what gives then. I suspect I may go back into AF at some point. Then I presume a cardioversion and change meds perhaps. Once the lesions they created during the ablation have had a chance to fully form.
If you're willing, I'd appreciate your sharing your reason(s) for having the ablation. I'm curious as I also have asymptomatic persistent afib (with an average resting heart rate of 60 bpm). Thank you.
Thank you, Hootsmon. I'm 70 and was diagnosed August 2023. Given that I'm asymptomatic with an average heart rate of 60 (as opposed to a high ventricular rate) one of the greatest challenges associated with my diagnosis has been determining how aggressive I should be in treating the Afib. For someone in my situation it's not as black and white as I'd like it to be. I appreciate your perspective and I wish you many years in NSR.
Hi many thanks for posting . Am on waiting list at Liverpool Heart and chest . Suspect it will be a further 12 month wait at least . How did you wangle a GA? Am down for RF ablation as well . My anxiety knows no bounds but I want rid of the uncertainty of when it will strike , I get high heart rate with RVR and drugs don’t help , and as you say it’s better to be in sinus if you possibly can
Didn’t have a choice about the GA. It was here’s the mask start sucking then lights out. Tried to get sent home same day but no dice. Overnight stay. My anxiety was next level prior also. I feel like a weight has been lifted afterwards. Good luck.
We all respond differently, but I found sedation was a complete lights out for me, no need for GA, easy recovery and home again later that day.
Thank you!
Thank you so much for your postI have an ablation booked in two weeks time
Still thinking of excuses not to go ahead with it as I am very nervous about the procedure and more about the outcome
Feel I am launching myself into the unknown
So thank you for your very reassuring post
You’ll be fine. Best of luck. Not that you’ll need it. It’s very much a run of the mill thing for the hospital staff now.
I felt exactly the same and almost jumped off the trolley going down to the cath lab!! I did do it though and so pleased I did as I have had no episodes that I know of since and that was in March. Just had my second follow up and the consultant is pleased with me although my heart rate is a little faster than it used to be 😊
I was also scared of having an ablation and couldn’t decide whether to go ahead with one, but after reassurances from the good people on here, I said yes and had my ablation in September last year, after being on the waiting list nearly 18 months. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, even though when I was being taken down to the Cath Lab, I felt like jumping off the trolley and running away.🤣. I was well looked after and they explained what they were doing, all the way through. I’m sure you would be better off having it done. I had symptomatic PAFib and my heart rate and blood pressure used to soar, when I got an AFib episode, so was told I always had to go to hospital, so they could keep an eye on me and try and stop it. My AFib started in March 2014, after I caught a nasty coughing virus at my sons wedding, which had put 2 other people in hospital. I have only had 9 episodes in all that time and decided it was best to have the ablation done, before it got worse, as it was supposed to be more successful if the AFib is only paroxsysmal.So 🤞🤞🤞the awful AFib doesn’t return. Only you can decide whether to go ahead with one, but good luck.
Pleased it went well for you. My experience wasn't so straightforward. I didn't have GA and was sedated, not something I would like to repeat but overall pleased I had it done as no episodes that I know of since then. I couldn't have carried on the way I was with episodes of fast irregular heart rate lasting around 36 hours!