I am currently on holliday and have found my Heart rate to jump from 60 to 140
worried: I am currently on holliday... - Atrial Fibrillati...

How much of the time is your heart rate at 140 or is it all the time? Are you in atrial fibrillation?
No it’s not all the time it just jumps from high to normal
When something like that happens always a good idea to take your heart rate at the wrist or neck to make sure it's not a glitch with the device. But if it truly jumps like that without exertion, something to discuss with your doctor and they may want to put you on a Holter for monitoring.
May I ask how you know your heart rate is doing this?
My Apple Watch
To echo what Jim said, I personally wouldn't take too much notice of an Apple watch when it comes to heart rate if you are experiencing AF or another sustained arrythmia at the time of the reading. As with many devices which are effectively 'one lead' (as opposed to the 12-lead monitors used at hospitals), when it can't get a true reading due to irregularity of pulse it simply displays random numbers.
Mine used to do this, almost instantly going from say 70 to 140 and later instantly dropping back. I found that I had svt. Google if needed. I eventually had an ablation and it is ok now. Might be something to consider.