bisoprolol: hello I’m now on 3.75mg... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Prosecco1997 profile image
43 Replies

hello I’m now on 3.75mg bisop am and 2.5 Eve

I’m getting the odd extra bests here and there , and don’t like the side effects , weak tired , I can get about 20 extra beats per day , anyone else get these ?

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Prosecco1997 profile image
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43 Replies
Ilovedogs12 profile image

Hi,I don't like the side effects of Bisoprolol either.

20 extra beats a day is less than one an hour if you think about it that way, or if you don't count when you're asleep it's still one and a quarter extra beats an hour on average. Probably everyone who doesn't have any heart problems would have a similar number.

So I don't think it's anything to worry about.

It might be a good idea to put away the monitor for a while and try to focus on something else, something that takes concentration to keep your mind busy.

CDreamer profile image

Empathise on the side effects, I couldn’t tolerate Bisoprolol at all so stopped taking it, had to as it was then contraindicated for another condition. I am much happier not taking anything.

What is Eve?

Frances123 profile image
Frances123 in reply toCDreamer


Tomred profile image
Tomred in reply toCDreamer

Hi CDreamer, how often do you have af, and when you do , what do you do, if you dont use anything.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply toTomred

Since I had CRT therapy my AF burden is down to 2-3%, then it only seems to be when I’ve had an infection. I seem to self convert within 12 hours mostly so apart from monitoring HR - rarely exceeds 150 these days thankfully, keeping well hydrated and taking electrolyte drink - usually watermelon with coconut water I just rest up as nothing else I can do. Being in AF has never concerned me and had years of practice managing it.

Just recovering from pneumonia and first time I’ve not had AF with chest infection - YEAH!

mav7 profile image

If you just started bisoprolol give it awhile and see if symptoms lessen. If not, consult your doctor about other medication.

From your bio you state you have other health issues. Bisoprolol was likely prescribed with those in consideration.

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image


Taking anything else?

BBs did not control my arrhymia or rapid heart beats Bisoprolol to 156 at rest 135.

Private Heart Specialist added Diltiazem a Calcium Channel Blocker. 180 (1/2 dose) took it down to 51 in 2 hours. Feeling lightheaded this was reduced to 120 CDmg and 2.5mg Bisoprolol for high Systolic Rate.

I've been on this regime for 2.1/2 years.

Add PRADAXA 110mg which I chose twice daily ALL GOOD.

cherio JOY. 75. (NZ)

Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toJOY2THEWORLD49

Been on bisop for 13 yrs and flecinide , now on 50 mg of flec instead of 100 , bisop was 2.5 am then 1.25 pm , but now I’m on 3.75 am and 2.5 Eve , I also take levothyroxine for thyroid

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image
JOY2THEWORLD49 in reply toProsecco1997


Has your thyroid hypo or hyper been resolved?

Hyper could give you ectopics and so could hypo.

cheri JOY

Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toJOY2THEWORLD49

Yes thyroid is playing up , but think it’s settling , I have hashimotos aswell

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image


Taking anything else?

BBs did not control my arrhymia or rapid heart beats Bisoprolol to 156 at rest 135.

Private Heart Specialist added Diltiazem a Calcium Channel Blocker. 180 (1/2 dose) took it down to 51 in 2 hours. Feeling lightheaded this was reduced to 120 CDmg and 2.5mg Bisoprolol for high Systolic Rate.

I've been on this regime for 2.1/2 years.

Add PRADAXA 110mg which I chose twice daily ALL GOOD.

cherio JOY. 75. (NZ)

OzJames profile image

maybe the extra beats are ectopics not AF? Review what you eat and drink, look at daily stressors. I’m sure you’ve tried the steady breathing through nose only. I do through the day 5 mins at a time when I think of it.

Ppiman profile image

Yes, but far more than 20. I should think most here have that and more. I don't think yours will be different from mine but my ECG (Contec PM20) calls them "missed beats". They arise from faulty atrial conduction tissue.

Did you ask the purpose of the bisoprolol? What is your average daily heart rate range? I take 1.25mg daily and that is enough to keep my AF at a manageable rate.


Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toPpiman

I did cut down to 1.25 twice a day bisop but my heart rate went up to 135 and higher sometimes, now it’s between 66 /72 bpm , felt so much better in myself on lower fose

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toProsecco1997

That's interesting. It's a surprise to read that a betablocker is able to reduce the rate that much. Is the tachycardia (135bpm) only when you have AF or would that be all of the time (i.e. when you are in NSR) - in which case, there must be another atrial issue as well as AF? I have other conduction issues, it seems (although I think many other have, too).


Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toPpiman

It only goes up if I reduce bisop , had to ablations for af , but now I think it’s tachycardia, I have told cardiologist I have become sensitive to my medications , because I’ve dropped one flec per day , I have upped the bisop , which does not make me feel great , need flec aswell but worried to take morning dose again ?

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toProsecco1997

I was given flecainide, too, but its side effect risks along with my having a bundle block (LBBB) put me off, so I am sticking with 1.25mg daily of bisoprolol.

Of course, there has to be a cause for such a high rate, and, normally bisoprolol would not (I think) reduce the rate by that amount. That's interesting. I would email your consultant top ask for their view, maybe?


Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toPpiman

I’ve had a heart scan , said I’ve got a good strong heart , there is abit they couldn’t ablate , as to near to my natural pace maker , so treatment with tablets , but I asked about ablation again , cardiologist said nothing to ablate ? All do very confusing

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toProsecco1997

Did your doctor not give an explanation for the tachycardia? Something is causing it. The ventricles (that are beating too quickly) react to signals coming through the "second" pacemaker, the AV node. This must be passing (and be allowed to pass) too many signals. Also, the primary pacemaker, the SA node, is in the top right of the atrium, whereas the ablation (for AF) is in the top-left side. I had an ablation on the right side, but that was for atrial flutter, a different arrhythmia. My AF has developed since then.


Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toPpiman

I had my ablation few yrs ago she did explain then , but can’t remember what was said , when I last spoke to her in Feb , she wasn’t very sympathetic, said she didn’t have a magic wand , and she would need an antidepressant in a minute, I was realy shocked , since then I’ve had to get help with my mental health due to so much worry , said she gets 50 etopics aday they won’t kill you , see you in six months 🙁

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toProsecco1997

I have come to the conclusion that specialists know what some of us struggle to take on board, and that is that we are safe and that our fears are largely unfounded. Indeed, the doctor would know if that wasn’t the case and would deal differently with us if it were so. This knowledge colours their reactions when we ask various questions and can maybe make them seem offhand and uncaring.

It seems to me that atrial conduction issues such as we both have are rarely going to be truly serious compared with other heart problems. AF and ectopics are all in the safer atrial region of the heart. Many cope entirely well with them, but some don’t. If the reason they don’t is physical, the doctors will help with ablation or drugs but if psychological, they can only reassure.

The best reassurance for me was my MRI scan which showed that my heart hadn't changed in the last five years, since my last scan. That has allowed me a deal of much needed peace.


Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toPpiman

Thankyou for your reply , has made me think a bit better , yes I had 2 scans on my heart all good they said , just wish these funny beats would go away

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toProsecco1997

I agree. The funny beats are far more upsetting for me than the AF itself. The not knowing when they will come in and cause that “thump” feeling is very hard to deal with.


Tellingfibs profile image

I am on 5 mgs of Bisoprolol twice daily and I get that many beats in five minutes, and my cardiac team don’t associate them with the Bisoprolol. What I would give to have just 20 extra beats a day !


Vonnegut profile image

How different we all are! 1.25 mg was too much for me to take daily! I don’t understand what you mean by “20 extra beats a day”! Have you really got a devise that counts how many times your heart beats over 24 hours?! Our problem is with irregular fast heart rates, surely!

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply toVonnegut

I get ectopic beats and you feel them as an extra beat or a missed beat. A slight pause in the normal rhythm then a harder beat kicks in.

Vonnegut profile image
Vonnegut in reply toJetcat

That’s interesting - I hardly use my Kardia now but remember I did get occasional readings of ectopics.

Thomas45 profile image

Bisoprolol doesn't work for everyone. There are other beta blockers which might be better for you. I wasn't prescribed a beta blocker as I have long-term asthma. I took only Flecainide daily for 12 years. As a result I had only one or two ten-minute episodes of AF a year, until I was found to have persistent, though asymptomatic, AF. That was about 8 years ago, now deemed to be permanent AF .I was on 300mg daily of Flecainide and it caused no side effects.

I now only take an anticoagulant for AF, Warfarin being my choice.

Hopefully someone who has thyroid problems may be able to comment about AF and thyroid problems.

Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toThomas45

Thankyou I was good on flec and bisop everyday , had no problems, but now seems to give me awful side effects

Jetcat profile image

hi Prosecco, tiredness is bisoprolols buddy for a lot of folk including myself unfortunately. Things may improve over time when you get used to it though. The extra beats are nothing to worry about. Iv had extra beats for decades and I’m still here to tell the tale, I know they can get the anxiety levels going but they won’t hurt you. On a bad day I can get 20 in less than 2 hours and they last for days, then disappear as fast as they came. Take it easy, and take care.👍


Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toJetcat

I get them everyday , never used to When I was on on flec twice a day. But my body dosnt like the morning dose no more ? I get realy worried and my anxiety goes up , keep thinking the worst Thankyou for your reply

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply toProsecco1997

Have a word with your GP. They may be able to change your meds.? I have had ectopic beats and palpitations before I was prescribed bisoprolol so I know the meds aren’t the cause in my case anyway.

As horrible as they can be they won’t kill you or cause you any harm. But they will cause you anxiety if you let it.? I spent decades being paranoid and petrified about ectopics thinking I was going to die or drop dead etc.! For This last few years they actually annoy me rather than scare me which is still not ideal but it’s better than the full fear I endured.👍

Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toJetcat

Thankyou , yes that’s what I think every time I get one , but all these posts are very reassuring, does help

Clurmac profile image
Clurmac in reply toJetcat

How did you learn to stop being anxious about your e topics?

I’m going through the scared as hell at the moment and convince myself I’m going to drop dead. Even though had in and off for 10 years! X

Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toClurmac

Hello I know it’s so scary I’m getting them everyday , I’m trying so hard to think I’m not going to drop dead but not easy , but lots of people on here have had them yrs and say not to worry ,I have moments where I think we’ll I’ve had a lot worse and I’m still here , then , think the worry will do me more harm , cardiologist say they won’t kill you , and she has about 50 per day , so I do try to think of that aswell , do you take any medication

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply toClurmac

Hi clurmac, I think it’s because Iv had them for that long that it’s finally sunk in that I’m not actually guna drop dead after all.!! 30plus years of them actually , and loads of doctors and cardiologists appointments and tests, scans, bloods, X-rays etc.!! I must be a slow learner.?

I wish I’d have realised earlier though.? Panic attacks. Depression, anxiety,fear,dread, could have eased up a long time ago.! 👍

Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toJetcat

Hello im suffering everday with these beats , sometimes, feels like extra missed beats , then I can’t get like it’s jumping around , just worry as they are daily

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply toProsecco1997

They do start messing with my head sometimes, especially when I get them regularly same as you. But I’m not as terrified about them like I was at one time which does make it a tiny bit more easier.!

Qualipop profile image

Technically they are not extra beats, they are late beats. One beat comes a bit late and happens almost at the same time as the next beat causing a bubump. 20 day day sounds like ordinary ectopics and is unlikely to be caused the bisopralol. I used to get hundreds of them. I couldn't tolerate bisop at all. It dropped my heart rate and BP much too low and I felt totally exhausted and slept most of the day. It was changed to a calcium channel blocker. Talk to your GP.

Prosecco1997 profile image
Prosecco1997 in reply toQualipop

Thankyou , I have tried calcium channel blockers but did not agree with me , made my heart rate go up and pound , I feel weak Realy heavy tired Can’t seem to feel well. Been going on for over a yr now. But they have no answers to why

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply toProsecco1997

Exactly how I felt even on the lowest dose of bisopralol. I just didn't do for me at all. I also gave up on the calcium channel blockers but hey then decided I didn't need them at all. It was just the standard list of drugs they seem to give every one after a heart attack. I ended up having everything stopped except a statin and aspirin.

Ersilia2 profile image

I felt the same as you ,short of breath etc, tolerated it for 6 weeks then rang Doc and it was changed to Nebivolol

juanitamc profile image

My hospital put me on Bisoprolol, and took it for 6 months and I was completely so ill with it that I was bed bound until I had had enough and wrote a long Email to my GP telling him that I had stopped taking it because of the awful side effects and he asked me to go to the surgery to discuss the problems and he change it to Atenolol.

Well I have been on Atenolol for 2.5 years now with no problems at all, BUT the hospital is no happy with me because of the change and the hospital have tried to change it to other beta blockers and I had the same problem with all the ones I have been given and tried and ended up being ill.

I guess all this pills do not agree with everyone, and I am one of them, The Atenolol that suits me, the hospital wants me to stop taking it as it's an old drug apparently.

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