Ramipril: I'm on 10mg Ramipril and have... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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BenHall1 profile image
13 Replies

I'm on 10mg Ramipril and have been so for at least 15 years, maybe a bit longer. My GP has now asked me to cease taking it for 8 weeks. It was originally prescribed as a blood pressure control drug. It has done its job, up to a point ! In more recent years I have had added to the blood pressure mix Felodopine and a range of beta blockers over the last 15 years. All of which have done their jobs.

Since earlier this year I have developed a cough. As one of our boundarys is on a dirt lane surrounded by active farmer fields and hedge rows I assumed I'd developed some sort of pollen/dust allergy. However, a cough is one side effect of Ramipril though.

The cough is still there BUT never at night ...never, NEVER !! only at daytime. I am an avid breakfast cereal consumer and am now suspicious of wheat, so I am now coming off wheat based cereals - some days worse than others. Last week I did a 4 day trial of no Ramipril and the impact was to increase my BP to 133/80 with a HR of 72. So I am prepared for a similar scenario over the next 8 weeks.

So from tomorrow morning - no Ramipril and no wheat for 8 weeks.

My query is ..... has anyone had to go through this experience with Ramipril and if so were there any consequences .... like kicking off AF events.



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BenHall1 profile image
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13 Replies
mjames1 profile image

If I understand correctly, you’re suggesting the cough may be from allergies or wheat, not the Ramipril?

If so, stopping wheat and Ramipril at the same time might make it hard to identify the cause.

I briefly tried Ramipril and developed a cough, which stopped shortly after discontinuing it. This is the typical pattern. While it’s possible, developing a cough after 15 years makes it more likely something else is causing the cough. Perhaps more related to the dust and pollen since it only happens during the day?

There were no consequences when I stopped, but my bp was such that I probably didn't need it.

Ramipril has worked well for your blood pressure, so hopefully, the cough is unrelated.


baba profile image
baba in reply to mjames1

I would also suggest to do one thing at a time, stop the Ramipril see if it makes a difference. Then try cutting out wheat see if that helps.

Best wishes

BenHall1 profile image
BenHall1 in reply to mjames1


TBH all communications with my GP have been text messages and so, something may well have got lost/ misunderstood in the translation. My own self analysis of causes is that in order of ranking .... 1st is dust/pollen, 2nd is wheat and 3rd is Ramipril.

The dust pollen is more difficult to deal with because traffic using the dusty road bordering farmland is virtually impossible to control. Interestingly the dirt lane is only used in daytime, never at night ... far to fraught with risks. Wheat can be controlled by virtue of changing my breakfast cereals (which I'm about to do ) and 3rd is Ramipril which I will do - after I've explored the first two. Talking of wheat I never eat bread, I have a crispbread instead.

There is a wild card here too, inflamed sinuses. Sinus problems I have endured since my teenage years. Wheat, Oats and Barley have been issues for me since diagnosed with AF. In the months that followed diagnosis I found that many foods ( solid and liquid ), with those three ingredients could trigger an AF event.

Anyhow, I had a chest X-Ray on 2 Aug which showed a chest infection. GP gave me penicillin. Sorted. A review X-Ray was this morning and should have result next week, mid week. TBH, I'm sure that a smidgin of chest infection still exists. I don't believe that a 5 day dose of Amoxcillin is enough .... needs longer for me I'm sure. I've also been given a nasal spray to inhale to settle the drip feed from the nose to throat. This in itself is probably best to deal with pollen/dust (Pirinase - purple packet ).

My thanks to you for your comments and to baba also.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to BenHall1

Look up Ragweed. At this time of year this pollen can be troublesome. The pollen can travel miles . This year the season is maybe a bit later than usual due to wet spring and summer. This plant from hell is becoming an increasing problem here in France though I think it originated in the USA. It can cause a worsening of asthma and cough. Since we moved here I have suffered from much worse allergy in early Sept and then in late Oct /Nov from mold spores due to all the wet fallen leaves.

BenHall1 profile image
BenHall1 in reply to Auriculaire


Thanks for that. Yep, we have that here in Cornwall. Usually found littering vegetation along hedgerows lining minor roads. Sometime next week I'll get the results of my latest ( follow up ) Chest X-Rays - assuming there is nothing sinister going on I shall ask for a Face 2 Face consultation with my GP and go head to head with her on the alternatives to Ramipril as others have told me in their replies. Alternatively I am due for a follow up with my Cardio Consultant in the next few weeks, might put the heavies on him for an update.

I must say, my allergy/intolerance levels have never been so bad since I've been in Cornwall. Ooooh yeah, I'd forgotten the mold spores. 😭



BenHall1 profile image
BenHall1 in reply to mjames1

Hiya Jim,

Following on your helpful post and my reply a few days ago I thought I'd update you [ and everyone else ] on my plan as a way forward.

Initially, I have now started to remove wheat, oats and other stuff containing gluten .,.... so basically breakfast cereals .... from my diet. I'll replace them with wheat free/oats free etc. alternatives.

I have taken this approach first for two reasons. 1] Mrs Ben Hall reminded me of the beginning of my AF journey when we identified food as a trigger for an AF event kicking off. She also reminded me of the impact of gluten, wheat, oats etc. 2] Other kind folk on here have discussed their respective dry cough arising from Ramipril. My cough - in contrast - is very loose, very chesty, very phlegmy with much dripping from the sinuses. So, for the moment I've decided to leave changing from Ramipril. Early days at the moment.

All that mumbo jumbo said ....... I now have an appointment with my Cardiac Consultant for 1st. October .... this is a review after being on Sotalol for 4 months. I plan to discuss with him the wisdom of ditching Ramipril in favour of either Candesartan or Losartan and with his approval make any medication changes then subject to his opinions.

Hopefully, these two combos will solve the problem.


reinaway profile image

My husband has been going through the Ramipril journey of 1.25 upwards to 10 ml over the last 8 weeks and when he got there within 10 days of taking it became quite ill with similar symptoms for which he had had his pacemaker put in! The cough was bad too. The doc immediately haved the dose and he seems to be OK on 5 ml at the moment. I am on the drug too and four years ago had similar effect when they put me on it. It caused my PAF to go haywire and I refused to take that dose and only take 5ml which works OK with 5 ml of Nebivolol. I went for Pace and Ablate with my AF because of my age and now am symptomless with it after 10 years misery and this month I am two years into making that decision, reaping the benefits of leading a nearly normal life and taking just BP, anticoagulants and no AF that I can feel!! I know that P and A is irreversible but wanted a few comfortable years left !!

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image


First and foremost RAMIPRIL is an ACE inhibitor and number one side effect is a cough.

As the Dr/Specialist has said STOP it.

I was started on INHIBRACE in 2008. I was taken off it for a cough. There is eczema in our family. I am allergic to some eucalyptus Australian trees. Also estrogen cream and dots.

ACE products put on my allergy list.

Like you can get ASTHMA in adult life I guess you have acquired an allergy to RAMIPRIL.

cheri jOY

BenHall1 profile image
BenHall1 in reply to JOY2THEWORLD49

Joy ... thank you ... I guess an acquired allergy/intolerance is possible. Ooooh! wishing to be back in the Aussie bush and smell all those bush fragrances, including natural eucalyptus 😂😂


timetabler profile image

I have been taken off Ramipril for the same reason (dry cough), and it has been replaced by Losartan.

pottypete1 profile image

I was on Ramapril but like you developed a cough. I was changed to Candesartan and all is now well.


Tomred profile image

Could it be the difference between lying and standing /sitting upright,different pressures, i think also even though its 15 years it could be long term side effects, no guarantee wether its day one or 10 years later that a side effect can pop up.

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