I’m getting worse: Lately I’m having... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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I’m getting worse

Doggiemomma profile image
3 Replies

Lately I’m having increased episodes of PVCs ? or PACs ? that often turn into hours of tachycardia—regular-looking rhythm but fast (Kardia), usually under 120 bpm. I’ve done all the intervention strategies and more often than not, they don’t make a bit of difference to get me back into normal rhythm. It seems like I can feel every beat. Sometimes I get afib, like squirrels playing in my chest., and that lands me in Emergency where I am monitored & usually get a drip of a BB or of a CCB (that’s up to the ER doctor)

Mostly the tachycardia occurs in the evenings or the wee hours of the morning. I don’t know if it’s related to the times I take my medicines or not, but I’ve tried adjusting that with no success relative to my tachycardia.

I don’t drink or smoke or use artificial sweeteners or salt or MSG, I don’t even drink coffee or tea or soda or carbonated anything. I have been diagnosed with obesity, a disease.

For the past 7 years, my afib has been controlled by flecainide (maximum dose) and metoprolol (extended release)—& I take a blood thinner.

Pill In Pocket: I have Diltiazem or quick-release Metoprolol, but I’m never quite sure which one to use when I am in tachycardia. Sometimes I convert after a couple hours, and other times I convert after 6+ hours.

Ablation is out of the question for me at this point (personal & private reasons) and I feel totally doomed.

In a few weeks, I have an appointment with a new EP for a second opinion.

Please share your thoughts & experiences.

I just feel so afraid and so alone…and doomed. Sorry for writing so much, but I wanted to give us clearer picture as possible about what’s going on and how I think things are worsening.

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3 Replies
Teresa156 profile image

Hi Doggiemomma,

I’m sorry you feel all this and that your episodes are getting more frequent. There is sadly sometimes no possible triggers for AF that we can pinpoint and it sounds like you are avoiding all the right things with food and drink, that we all tend to think are culprit.

Its good that you have an appointment with an EP soon and you can ask him which is best for you as a PIP in the circumstances you find yourself in. Why do you end up in emergency if you convert each time? Does it cause you pain?

Please can I ask why ablation isn’t an option? You mention that you have been diagnosed with obesity and this sadly can contribute to AF for some people. Losing weight has, I’m sure you know, been shown to improve symptoms for AF sufferers, but I know it’s easier said than done to lose it. Are you able to get any help or support with that?

JaneFinn profile image

I’m so sorry to hear you’re struggling so much with these arrhythmia. And feeling alone and hopeless about it only makes everything a million times harder, I know. I don’t think I’ve got any wisdom to give (and I’m not feeling well enough to think very clearly atm, so if I do have any helpful thoughts, I’ll add them another time) but I wanted to send you a long distance hug and sympathy ❤️

We’ve all felt hopeless and doomed at times, maybe after an arrhythmia diagnosis or when things seem to be spiralling out of control with no answers. You’re among a whole bunch of people on here who understand. And take heart that your new EP should make a difference. Hopefully s/he will be able to clarify things, and guide you into good treatment options that don’t involve an ablation. (I’m sure you have this in hand, but just a reminder to take Kardia readings of all the types of arrhythmia you experience, and maybe some kind of diary of arrhythmia events and symptoms, so s/he can get a sense of the severity and frequency?)

Take care, J x

Doggiemomma profile image
Doggiemomma in reply to JaneFinn

Thank you both for your kind and understanding words.

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