Hi, I have paroxysmal afib with episodes lasting about 24 hours every 14 to 21 days on average.
My daily resting heart rate measured on my Fitbit watch ranges from 41 to 50. After an episode of mild but obvious palpitations it rises to about 50 but falls back to the low 40s after a few days. If I exercise the resting HR tends to fall less quickly.
The onset of a new episode may follow a large meal or a glass of wine or beer but often without an obvious trigger. However it always recurs after 2 to 3 weeks.
The only obvious trigger is my resting HR falling to the low 40s.
I am interested to see if others have a similar afib cycle.
By way of background information, my resting HR was about 45 to 50, but after commencing Bisoprolol 5mg once daily in November 2021 it fell to its current range of 41 to 50. My consultant said I could skip a day if my resting HR fell to the low 40s but as yet this hasn’t really changed much.