I am on Edoxaban, candersartan and Bisoprolol, I have had pelvic floor surgery and since have been in Afib, 9 days. Should I wait and see if it goes away like it always has?
Episode: I am on Edoxaban, candersartan... - Atrial Fibrillati...

My ep told me to call him to arrange for a cardioversion if I was in afib longer than three days.
At least in the United States, the thinking is they don't want you in afib any longer than necessary for a number of reasons, including potential remodeling of the Heart.
Meanwhile, the important thing is to have your rate under control. which in general means a heart rate of no more than 110 bpm at rest.
This could be a one off because of your surgery, or it could be the beginning of a new pattern, as afib is notoriously progressive.
If things do change, you may want to discuss with your medical team a different strategy, such as anti arrythmic meds like flecainide -- either on a pill-in-pocket (pip) or daily basis, depending upon frequency and duration of events. And of course, there's ablation if you want to reduce your reliance on medications.
My afib treatment progression was: 1) go to the A&E in a panic and get cardioverted; 2) ride it out calmly at home with rate drugs, assuming I converted within a week; 3) pip flecainide; 4) daily flecainide; 5)ablation. To do it all over again, I would've moved sooner to flecainide and also to ablation, but we all have different tolerances and comfort levels.
You should contact your Cardiologist/ EP as soon as you can. This is a change in your AF that they should be aware of and you need to see them to discuss different treatment/medication or dosage etc.
I agree with mjames1, consider urgent DCCV, assuming your gynaecologist is happy with that. I am not a doctor.