I've just had an episode of AF which lasted just over an hour and a half. The last one was 6 months ago. I feel so tired and weak after it. I had 3/4 glasses of wine at a family BBQ at the weekend (bad move I know). I wonder if that would have triggered it. Won't be doing that again. I would have a couple of glasses in a month usually.
AF episode : I've just had an episode... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AF episode

Morning Buby. I too just had a short episode Strong palpitations and a warmth going through me I tried lemon and ginger tea before I got out of bed Don't know if that could have done it Heads muzzy to now .
It's horrible and so frightening. Hope you feel better soon.
Whilst I stopped drinking alcohol 2 years ago as part of a regime to eliminate known AF triggers and would recommend not drinking alcohol, I doubt very much that your ¾ glass of wine at the weekend caused your AF episode today.
I read that as 3 or 4 Pete so probably was the cause.
I read it as three quarters - but also it’s more than 48 hours ago? Surely it would all be out of system by now? If alcohol affects me - it’s immediate?
Always affects me the next day so have given up booze altogether. I'm off to France for two weeks ... hope the temptation doesn't get the better of me!
Have a lovely time.
Thanks Bubs. It'll be my first holiday in decades without the pleasure of a glass or four of wine! I could just have the one but reckon I'll want a second glass even more than I wanted the first! x
I would say yes as I was tempted too on Monday at a family barbecue and spent all day yesterday in AF!😢😢

The sugar in alcoholic beverages is a stimulant of the nervous system. AF is a nervous system problem - extra nodes firing off, etc. So my commonsense would tell me anything that ramps up the nervous system would be a likely trigger for AF. Coffee does too, also chocolate, cocaine and speed. Also screens - I can't watch TV after about 6 - 7 pm, because the stimulation, even just the invisibly flickery blue screens, will hype up my nervous system and can bring on AF. Also emotions - if I have any kind of exciting or stimulating interaction with anyone, like a hyped up conversation, off goes my heart....
I went to a large family party recently and although a lover of wine resisted all temptation, my fear of AF is greater than my desire I guess.
As someone who until recently was experiencing P-AF every couple of weeks with horrible symptoms lasting for up to 15 hours I will do almost anything to prevent a reoccurrence of those days.
Well done for not having a drink So what liquid refreshment did you have
Good on you, Doodle68! It will be worth resisting the temptation. When I first started getting AF it was because I caught 2 parasites from rats (Leptospirosis and Toxoplasmosis) in an infected house. It caused 'pericarditis' - infection, fluid and inflammation around the outside of my heart. It scarred my atrium, making extra pacemaker nodes. Then the AF began. I was in ambulances so often and unpredictably it was awful, especially because it came on only at night, and I lived alone in a rural area. I dreaded going to bed every night, dreaded lying down. But all treatments failed, and I was in shock at what life had become like. So I totally understand how you feel with that frequency of AF. I'd been fit, athletic, strong, and suddenly, reduced to a hospital case. It is difficult to accept and deal with. But we find a way. And it's great to have the support of the people on this thread - who really do understand what it's like.
Yes,wi n e and heat would do it.
Definitely the wine, I only need one sip and im in AF