Just been invited for a new jab to prevent chest infections. Anybody else had this invitation?
Anti chest infection: Just been invited... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Anti chest infection

l had an invite from my practice this afternoon. It is a live vaccine apparently and you have to be well to have it. There are side effects for some which affect the nervous system. I will not be taking it up. I am not happy with all these vaccines and l always suffer side effects. This is a new one too? RSV vaccine. Personal decision l think.
Interesting - not yet BUT I am having ongoing investigations for chest infections that won't go away.
Just a thought - I was investigated for ongoing chest infections a few yeas ago and treated for a fungus infection. I haven't had any problems since despite asthma etc.
Thanks for that. Hadn't thought of that. I live on the rural edge of a town, down the side of the house is a dirt road ( rat run) on the edge of farm fields complete with hedgerows. So I thought pollen/dust allergy. GP keeps feeding me Amoxcillin which does nothing 4 me. Varies day by day.
Next consultation with GP 13 Sept.
How did they identify it was a fungus infection, x-ray, blood tests or some other mystical technique. 😀
I had to pay to see a consultant who did a number of tests and then prescribed. I had already seen one consultant who prctically said go away and play!
Is this the new pneumococcal vaccine that helps protect against pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis. I had the one off pneumonia jab some years ago. Guess this is the new one. Could be wrong. I havent been offered it as yet.
No I had the pneumonia one years ago when I became eligible . This is a new one. Mikey's OH hasn't yet had her training on it so can't tell me anything other than for now only for over 75s. but with my SOB I think a good idea.
Sounds like the RSV vaccine gov.uk/government/news/nati...
It can be serious in some people but it’s a virus that’s been around for decades, first named in early 1900’s and only got potent again after COVID. Similar symptoms to whooping cough.
I’m not in the age bracket they are focussing on and certainly not pregnant and I wouldn’t be taking up as can’t have live vaccines.
Sounds like what we all had last January to March
I believe this RSV vaccine can have side effects that cause heart arrhythmia, but so can the virus itself. Also, it can cause Giullian Barre Syndrome which l have had and which will be dormant in my body, so a no no for me. I cannot have live vaccines either.
Thank you for the link CDreamer, a lot of people around here had this in early summer horrible debilitating cough lasting for about 4 weeks .. I'm now in two minds about the vaccine .. I never worried about the effect of these vaccines and injections prior to AF now feel very unsure about it.
Sounds good, although I understand some people's worries about new vaccine. I also had the one off pneumonia jab some years ago. I was 80 this summer. A friend recently had sepsis but no cause found? She was 70 this summer. She recovered but still has some recurring infections requiring antibiotics.
Yes. I had a phone call from practice last week. Said I would think about it. I need to know a bit more about it before I decide.
Lucky you Bob
Yes I had a text invite from my GP surgery without any explanation. I plan to ask about it but not feeling very keen. Also fairly ambivalent about a COVID vax if that is offered again.
I honestly don't know what to do abut the vaccines this year. I missed the summer one because in March this year I had acute viral bronchitis and had to have hospital treatment. Even now I keep having coughing episodes despite it being six months since the attack. I always had reactions to the Covid vaccine so I will be at a loss to decide what to do a bit like Bob. Should I or should not? At 86 it's difficult to make your mind up.
I may be getting a tad too cynical but I hope it is not the case the more jabs you have the more you need as your body becomes reliant on them 🧐.
For me there is a case for some vaccines, for some people but in my case my immune system got to be on high alert and after every vaccine I had a reaction and felt lousy for weeks, whereas COVID made me feel a bit ‘off colour’ for a few days and I had RSV last winter so I must have some immunity! I’m working on boosting my immune response with foods, cold water and exercises & breathing and the old sinus rinses and good old fashioned mind over matter that I WON’T be ill!
Most of us will have have been exposed and had RSV but because if Lockdowns immunity dipped and what’s happened when everything opened up again was babies had no immunity and it’s a really serious, life threatening illness for tiny babies and some very vulnerable people. It’s the blanket approach of vax everyone which is the problem in my view.
This will be pneumococcal vaccine, Bob, I think. Despite its name, it protects well against two of the biggest causes of hospitalisation in us older folk: pneumonia and meningitis.
My wife and I had ours 2-3 years ago along with our flu jab. It came highly recommended and, as I recall, caused the usual sore arm and slight unwell feeling the following day, but nothing else.
Preventing infections that can lead to hospitalisation is an excellent thing as we get older, I would say, so absolutely go for it. Relatively mild vaccine side effects need to be weighed against the risks from the diseases it helps prevent, viz. pneumonia and meningitis.
The body is entirely capable of producing antibodies to any number of antigens so there should be no concern whatsoever at the total number of vaccines we have. They are in general a Very Good Thing.
No Steve I had that one yeasr ago when first eligible As CDreamer points out this is the new one.
Aha - I was surprised it was the pneumonia one as I seemed to recall your mentioning it. That's interesting.
I found this:
I haven’t had an invitation for this vaccine despite being in the over 75 age group. I have had issues with chest infections most years although not recently interestingly. The last one was when I was on holiday in Madeira in January 2019 and put me into hospital there. I have been resistant to vaccines over the years but more recently have agreed to them for flu, pneumonia and Covid. If I do get asked, I will have to think about it.
Cough for four weeks? Mine went on for about 12, treated with long term mixed antibiotics, and has never really gone away again despite some recovery. RSV is persistent and a nuisance. I doubt that I will be well enough to be offered this vaccine, despite approaching 75, and am still recovering from 16 days of Covid19 in the first weeks of June.
This sounds like the RSV vaccine. It is available here in Canada, but at a cost of $200. My husband and I took a pass on this, as we are fully vaccinated for COVID, pneumococcal pneumonia and shingles.
I’m not sure what the uptake has been, but I suspect only those in the high risk risk category would consider it.
I believe it is directed mostly to infants.
I had it on the clinical trial. I had no problems . I have AF and a few other cardiac problems.
there are target age groups and pregnant women over 28 weeks I think. My daughter had RSV(bronchiolitis) at 6 weeks of age, almost had to be ventilated. Her chest is fine, she’s in her 30s now. This vaccine has to have 4 weeks between it and the covid jab on the horizon. It does seem that this and whooping cough have made a big comeback since covid. It’s all very scarey and ‘what to do?’regarding vaccs. Take care. 🦊x

It is scary. I always have severe side effects, which means, l would be ill for weeks with all the winter vaccinations on offer. Quite honestly, l really don’t feel well enough since having the Covid vaccinations. It’s a difficult decision for some of us.
I’m the same. I have treatment for rheumatoid arthritis which makes me prone in infections but vaccines make me so ill too. 🦊x

It really is a worrying time. 🥰
Hi Bob, I’ve been told that my GP practice will be offering the new RSV vaccine only to patients aged 74-79. My understanding was that this is the particular cohort chosen by the NHS to receive this vaccine.
my GP surgery has just put it on their FaceBook page and said people who are in the age bracket or immune system is low will get an invite. Not sure if I’ll get an invite not for age but low immunity. Hmm another vaccine to think about. 🤔
Sounds like the Pneumonia jab
But doesn't the Shingles have the Pneumonia jab attached?
Or is it the Flu jab?
I'm in NZ and I think you are in UK>
The trouble is if you are already immuned. Have immunity to it.
I came across a problem with Hep B set of jabs.
After 1st within hours I had sore head, shivering and went to bed with a fur coat on!
The headache carried on (I don't usually get headaches.
The Dr eventually took a blood test I showed antigens. Then my blood sample through donating blood was tested. I akready had some immunity.
Settling down I now have 1000 plus immunity against Hep B.
In the UK.
A few weeks later I returned to NZ the end of my 6 year stint working.
My cousin and Minister of Health when I wrote to him said that the jab was synthetic and I must have acqired Hep B from my working environment. Alzheimer patients. I didn't believe that.
Can you get tested for immunity for it before you have the jab?
cheri JOY. 75. (NZ)
Yes I have had this but as it is a live vaccination and I am due to start chemotherapy shortly following a hemicolectomy I have decided not have it.
In Canada: "It will be a game changer in significantly preventing severe illness and death, especially amongst older Canadians," said Dr. Samir Sinha, the director of geriatrics at Sinai Health and University Health Network in Toronto. But he estimates that it can be similar to the rates of hospitalizations and death seen with influenza — if not worse as the virus can spread more rapidly and symptoms may take a few days to develop." I got the vax - no problems but I realize that each person is different.
it’s a new one to me at this moment in time, but it would be interesting to learn more about it.
Since my earlier reply I've now had an invitation for the RSV jab sometime in September. Exact date to be advised.
I have had an invite and will be having in on 3 September
Not heard of this but due to having Bronchiectasis and my wife having the same as well as Asthma and an aspergillus growth in her left lung we both want one.
I was just about to ask the same question as BobD - I had text message from the surgery this afternoon inviting me to have it, they said it's for the 75-80 year olds. They also told me you have to wait a month after getting it before you can have flu jab. I had the pneumonia jab long time ago, same time as shingles jab - not sure when that was? Think shingles is given at 65. But, not sure. I had the 100 day cough earlier this year which makes me wonder about this vaccine. Will be interesting to read the relplies/views of others. Thanks for the question BobD