I do not want to scare anyone but I was on warfarin for recurring DVT they struggled stabilising my Inr and was placed on Apixaban which was a relief no more finger pricks, I had my first Ablation in 2022 but after around 4 months Afib raised its head again, my 2nd Ablation was carried out in March this year and I have no Afib at all so all looking good! That is where the good news takes a turn in June this year despite being on 10mg Apixaban I had developed another Dvt so immediately given Clexane injections for a month then back on Warfarin. All the medical personnel I speak to are amazed I have a DVT while on Apixaban guess I am just unlucky I recommend everyone on Apixaban keep an eye on your calfs and if they feel "woody" compared to the other go to your GP and get diagnosed
DVT while on Apixaban : I do not want... - Atrial Fibrillati...
DVT while on Apixaban

Reading this just makes me glad I stayed on Warfarin and refused offers of the newer anticoagulants.

I've beenn warfarin since 2004 and have no intentions of every changing thank you very much. "If it ain't broke don't fix it."
l can’t tolerate any of the new anticoagulants. I take warfarin and so pleased l am on this as l feel much safer. It’s tried and tested over many, many years. I am just sorry for those that are unable to tolerate it,
Thanks for the heads-up. I would also urge people to get tested for FactorV Leiden before starting anti-coags as if you test positive this may influence your choice.
Unfortunately your post came 4 months too late for me as I have now started on Apixaban, now somewhat regretfully. I had a DVT from a 5hr car journey 20+ years ago and tested positive for FVL.
Tip: You may have to be fight the usual decision to put new patients onto the new ACs and not warfarin; but do your homework on both first.
Similar happened to a friend of our in England . He got a DVT after a long plane journey (he is a diabetic) and was put on Apixaban. While on it he developed a pulmonary embolism. His new ( private) haematologist switched him to Warfarin and said in his opinion it was far more reliable and he had all his patients on it.
so sorry to hear. Do you think Apixaban caused it or allowed it to happen? Either way glad you’re on warfarin!
I think the effectiveness of the DOACs is altered depending on BMI. You have suffered tho, bless ya. Hope all sorted soon take care 🦊x
This is a very worrying post as I have been on Apixaban for the past 5 years and nobody has ever mentioned the DVT risk. Also worried as I do not bleed profusely when I cut myself, although I bruise easily. This perhaps suggests that it is only providing a lower level of protection against strokes?
I will remind you that I have recurring DVT and it is just a total surprise being on blood thinners I have another, also operations can cause them. I have mentioned if the Ablation could cause this but no one will confirm. Whether I am on warfarin or Apixaban I never bled much also. I repeat I have recurring DVT with no reason for them after 2yrs of monthly tests, please do not think you will have a lower level of protection than you have been told
All the studies I read give lower stroke and major bleed risks for apixaban over warfarin, so, unless there's an ongoing unrecognised bias in all these results, I wouldn't be concerned about taking apixaban, although I accept others choose differently. It was recommended to me despite previously suffering chronic bilateral subdural haematomas, and for others after strokes.
I think Apixaban works well judging from the bleed I had when slicing my leg on dishwasher! Also had heart attack in January, mild, which was not due to blocked arteries. Cardiac scan said no sign of clot in heart but presumed might have been something but had dissolved I felt it was likely that Apixaban had dissolved whatever was there- May be wrong of course!!
I was on Warfarin for 7 years then they changed me to Apixaban I was on it for 7months before I went down for my ablation only to find I had a clot at the bottom of my heart. They put me straight back on warfarin and aspirin and luckily 4 months later it had dispersed. Wouldn’t be without my warfarin.
That’s s worth knowing, thank you. I’ve been lucky on Apixaban for several years, so far no problem. They couldn’t get me stable on Warfarin, tried another anticoagulant which made me tired and settled on Apixaban and all fine so far. Will remember the warning about “woody” calves though, thanks again Tika Tora. Hope you get settled back on Warfarin.
iii had a stroke after stopping APIXABAN for a pace & ablate so now won’t stop it for anything
it was his decision to stop apixiban for pacemaker insertion - I did have pericarditis after the procedure then the stroke when they found me unresponsive for night blood pressure check. He had never had it happen before so I was unlucky but lucky to be in hospital as stroke rehab started before dawn