My husband was in hospital and I was visiting every day. During his stay he managed to contract Covid which I also picked up. I do not seem to be able to throw it off. Does A/Fib make Covid worse? Less easy to shake off? Give one more muscle ache? Longer headache? Affect the BP to a greater extent? I am utterly exhausted. Any advice please?
COVID And A/Fib: My husband was in... - Atrial Fibrillati...

AF won't make covid worse but covid may well make AF worse.
Sorry to hear. If you're not taking any contraindicated atrial fibrillation, drugs, such as Flecainide, the recommendation at least in the United States is to start the antiviral Paxlovid within five days of symptom onset.
Conversely, Covid can make afib act up, so be aware of that. In any case, stay well hydrated and take it easy.
I never had a fibs until covid. Now I have them but they are getting better and less frequent. And also Paxlovid is a terrible drug. I had one dose and threw up. My daughter had the same issue, so we did not continue with this drug.....
I cannot imagine our GP prescribing any thing and we are keeping well away from our local hospital where we contracted covid in the first place I suppose it is early days so just have to be patient
And also Paxlovid is a terrible drug
Sorry about your experience with Paxlovid. , we all react differently to drugs.
I had Covid twice. The first time I did not take Paxlovid and the second time I did.
When I didn't take Paxlovid, I got very sick from Covid, including Gastro symptoms and an episode of atrial fibrillation. I also developed symptoms of long Covid.
When I took Paxlovid for the second time, my Covid symptoms were very mild and I had no side effects from the Paxlovid itself.
I can't remember whether it. is the aF or the thyroxine I take, I cannot take Paxlocid.
cherio jOY
I can't remember whether it. is the aF or the thyroxine I take, I cannot take Paxlovid.
As far as I know, Paxlovid is not contraindicated because you're an atrial fibrillation and I had my ep's blessing to take it.
But yes, you have very carefully go over your medication list before taking Paxlovid. Some medications you have to stop, some you may have to take a reduced dose, and a with a few, like Flecainide, you simply cannot take Paxlovid at all.
Your doctor and pharmacist are best to guide you here.
Some people take much longer to clear COVID than others. Having had it 4 times - 1st time I was very ill and it was something like six weeks before being able to shower and wash my hair unaided and about 3-5 months for complete recovery. Last time (Nov23) I hardly noticed anything wrong and could do everyday activities but didn’t exercise. I am afraid that any virus will make you feel unwell for a time but if it has lasted more than 3 weeks then see your GP and ask for bloods and in particular your VitD levels. Our bodies tend to deplete VitD very quickly when we have a virus.
You are doing very well if it hasn’t aggravated your AF. Hope you recover soon.
I am always amazed when I read of people having Covid multiple times. I have never had it, neither have many of my friends. I know people who have had it once, and a few people who have died. I have only had 3 vaccinations, as have most people I know, as it does not appear to be available anywhere anymore. Could it be that due to the poor national uptake of the vaccine here in South Africa, and complete disregard of the lock up regulations by the majority of the population. that herd immunity actually works?
I read a paper recently which is starting to reveal why some people are susceptible whilst others seem to have complete immunity, despite not being vaccinated and in close contact with people with COVID. Trouble is can’t remember where I read it! Could have New Scientist?
I think you have a good point re countries who did not mass vaccinate or lock down and no co-incidence that Pfizer is being sued for withholding essential information about the vaccines. Presumably countries who did not mass vaccinate - usually because they couldn’t afford to - were also spared high numbers of vaccine injury. I was told that I would not survive COVID as I was immune suppressed and that it was essential I be vaccinated - some may say that it was because I was vaccinated I didn’t - but the first dose of COVID was Feb 2020 - way before the vaccines or testing, I was mildly ill. Second time was the worst and most serious - after being fully vaccinated with 3 boosters. Third and fourth times I self-isolated because I self tested but had virtually no symptoms - about 10 months after I started refusing further vaccines. Co-incidence? I couldn’t possibly say but have to say it has put me off taking any further MRNA vaccines.
COVID is here to stay and we have to live with it, along with other virus such as influenza, RSV and what is currently causing concern in UK - Measles in adults.
I also had Influenza in the mid-1970’s and although much younger recall that made my husband and I also very ill for some weeks. I’ve never had flu since.
You may wish to check out the World Council For Health in Bath's Resources page 3 on clearing the spike protein.
I found the other way. It was covid itself and the vaccinations which made my afib worse
Hope you feel better soon snd your husband
You need to have some further health checks to see what the covid has done to your body systems. So-called "long covid" which you might have read about occurs when the virus has affected systems beyond the throat and nose, and in a way that won't resolve naturally. This is usually not serious, but can be. Our friend's daughter has a serious form in which the covid inflamed her arteries, especially in her kidneys, reducing kidney function, initially dramatically, and causing a crisis. Another friend has polmyalgia rheumatic from his covid and is on steroids. In others, the covid even can affect the brain and mind in various ways, often not that seriously, perhaps creating "brain fog" and fatigue. Other common sites that can be affected are the heart and lungs.
My brother believes this is all hokum sent out to control us all and that these problems are caused not by the virus but by "convid" and the mRNA vaccine manufacturers, (aka "Big Pharma" 😳). Maybe his own attack of covid affected his brain in its own special way? Something seems to have done and irredeemably so.
Ha Ha Steve.
I was at a good Baha'i faith Feast then there is the general stuff and it is throw open. We have some anti-vaxers. 1 took off saying that x amount of folks had died after their vax.
It was too much so I stopped her. Not the right place, mo proof discussing gossip. Wrong for us.
Next morning on early news 3 South Island Chemists were giving out children's childhood anti vax for all early illnesses e.g measles, mumps TB etc and calling them COVID JABS.
They have been stopped and now there's an investigation.
Oh dear what is the world coming to.
I'm having my 8th COVID jab with nurses end of July. Its all around here.
Never had it and as a former reg nurse always line up but Hep A and B get tested for immunity as I was ill after jab 1 of Hep B. The sample donor showed I was some immunity already.
Measles I still have immunity.
cherio. jOY
She's quite right, that lady. Tens of thousands died worldwide after their covid vaccinations. They were all very sick or elderly and would still have died without their vaccine, of course, but having been injected with it, the gullible minds of conspiracy folk put two and two together, as usual, and made five. I think it was more likely the combination of the mRNA vaccine and the 5G radiation, myself - but there we are!
The tragedy was, in the UK at least, tens of thousands of otherwise healthy elderly folk became infected with covid as the direct result of our government's approval to allow hospitals to send infected elderly patients from hospital to ill-equipped care homes to be nursed.
I have never had it. But I got the flu last August. At 10 days I put in my sputum and I tested plenty of cocci and pneumonia - staphycocus aureus. A dose of 5 days Amoxil killed it off - not me.
Unfortunately regardless of positive or negative - not waiting on 4th day back towork, school.
Kids who are coughing and runny nosed can go to schol. It is the children who go to school like this actually have covid.
I would never get an injection from a chemist.
Masks are usually not worn.
My 6 monthly checkup for Pituitary Gland and 3 ?able areas for thyroid cancer return has been changed to another PET/CT with contrast.
But my thyroglubin has gone from 1.7 pre Pet to .98 which a marker for cancer return. It looks like the iodine has killed off the 7mm and 8mm affected lymph nodes. The 19mm x 9mm has not been defined probably scarring hopefully behind these other 2 affected lymphs.
cherio jOY
I know very little of the Bahai faith - are you an adherent, Joy?
I think most people are likely protected from severe covid now thanks to having had it and the jabs. I have read that people who are very overweight or with high blood pressure might be most at risk.
I joined in 1985 after walking on the Routeburn Track near Christchurch with a group, two. older couple were Baha'is.
Brought up as a Christian I questioned why warring in Ireland between Catholics and Anglicans.
Why couldn't we all get along.
Educated then in the Baha'i Faith, illustrated that all the Phophets of the 1 God are a stepping to an every 100 year new Phophet. Baha'u'llah being in this era.
Stuck are all those not stepping up to this eras prophet.
We believe in peace, unity, equality, justice and respecting others to follow earlier prophets etc.
The Bab brought word of the coming of Baha'u'llah. Who had humble beginnings, became wonderfully educated and knowledgeable through his relationship with God.
I watched the Centrepoint community disaster unfold while Bert proclaimed that he was God. God is an unknown being.
Unfortunately groups of antivaxes are a nuisance and spreading propergander to naive folk. During the COVID mandate on the main SH10 road in front they lined the road. Passing trucks and cars tooted at them.
Sad for some.
Site best is Baha'i Faith. or uk or USA etc.
A Baha'i Temple has just been completed in Papua New Guinea and that would be the best place for everyone to pray for those lost under the rubble. Very sad time. 9 points represent those leaders at The Universal House of Justice in Haifa, Israel where anyone can visit the Baha'i gardens. Gardeners from all religions work together in Unity.
cheri jOY
I need to do some reading into an area that sounds fascinating. Thank you, Joy. My nature is to reject the irrational (which includes the supernatural).
A long time ago I visited the B’hai centre in Israel where I went with my husband’s computer conference because at that time they had one of the largest computers in the world. They needed it to posthumously baptise people (I think I remember it correctly). The buildings and gardens were most impressive. My friend told me that they were beheading B’hais in Iran Certainly it appeared to me to be a very inclusive faith. Not that I know much about it.
I have sent you a private message. We wrote 2 years ago!
The gardens are wonderful and the terraces and water running down the sides to block out traffic noise from the bottom and fountains paradise.
Perhaps they allow conferences in the EDucational/Library building.
But we don't 'baptise' folks.
Yes the Iranian Baha'is are persecuted, children's resulted passes are not presented, recently 10 women were hanged that we commemorate. Others thrown in jail on bogus charges. Here in NZ we have many persecuted families who have escaped. In Israel, on previous Palestine land the many acres of gardens, sacred shrines - another completed which is underground, statues, and buildins it is called the UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE, World Centre of Baha'is.
Look for your private message by pressing on the round disc of me.
Cherio JOY. 75. (NZ)
I think it's the other way round- Covid will make the AFib worse.
I had a bit of a cough in Feb 2023 and my AFib started in the early morning. I’ve been told to go to A&E when I get AFib, as my heart rate and BP soar and they like to keep an eye on me and try to stop it. Anyway, when I went in, they were still testing for Covid then and they came and told me my test was positive. I didn’t feel ill and only had a bit of a cough, so was quite surprised, but the Drs said the Covid probably brought on my AFib. Hoping now I’ve had my ablation, this won’t happen again, but I am worried about getting any virus, in case it does start it off again. I don’t think AFib makes viruses worse, it’s viruses that can bring on AFib. Hope you feel better soon.
I have been locked down kept away from people and had all the Jabs. I caught Covid this May! As well AF I have many other conditions. It has wiped me out for 4 days and got over it completely after 10 days? However the wife went down with something that did not test as covid and it knocked her out for 4 weeks? Even my GP was surprised how well I sprung back from Covid? I was one of the lucky ones?
Be Well
I will just have to be patient then and hope this terrible tiredness and muzzy head passes. I suppose I am lucky that it is not worse. I had thought after the initial problems I would have got over it more quickly.
I didn’t feel any different over the fortnight I tested positive for covid but I developed chronic fatigue along with the PAF as a result of another virus- shingles - when I got the excruciating pain before the rash and wasn’t able to get the doc to see me when an antiviral might have prevented both! How different we all are! But I am over 80!
Oh my goodness. I had chronic fatigue about 40 years ago. Took me years to recover. Don’t think my mitochondria had completely recovered but I was doing well. I was lucky when I got shingles because I knew what it was immediately and got treated immediately. I must admit I am worried that Covid will trigger the ME to come back.
You must have a decent GP as I used to have years ago. I knew the pain was shingles but the doc who I spoke to on the phone didn’t believe me and presumably hadn’t read my notes either!! He’s left the surgery now but not that much change apart from some women docs who don’t tend to stay long!
Yes the women on the whole work until they have a baby, they are usually still young at that stage and have not gained much experience. They then return to work once the infant is a nursery school, at that stage they have forgotten what they had learned, work for a couple more years and then leave to have another infant. The best female doctors are either post-menopausal or Lesbian.
Hope it doesn’t bring your ME back but at least I am not in pain and my husband does the things I can’t manage any more, like the shopping, and we get out to family and other events together. And my brain still functions ok if my daily word game results are anything to go by! How did you recover from the fatigue?
I had to change my diet completely. Minimal sugar, no yeast, no mushrooms. To which I have now added no gluten no dairy not much fun very Broadcast helpful.
I have a healthy diet and went gluten free after a much younger friend had found that had worked for her and haven’t had dairy for many years. Never liked very sweet things but my husband who does the cooking now, is very keen on mushrooms! What’s wrong in them please? The young friend had found acupuncture had helped rid her of the fatigue but the few sessions I had seemed to make things worse for me!! I’ll try eliminating the mushrooms!
The yeast mushrooms and sugar feed the bad bacteria and fungus in the gut which can then take over. You are what you eat.
Thank you. I’ll tell my husband that and hope it persuades him to let me off the mushrooms in future! We mostly have had a healthy diet for years with no meat or dairy and lots of fruit and veg, nuts etc.
Sounds good to me.
It has been explained to me that in ME the mitochondria are damaged. This means that the ability of the cells to take up energy is compromised which means that the cells run out of energy very quickly and take a long time to recharge.
Covid can enter and damage any part of your body and I never had AF until I caught it while away on holiday. Took me 3 weeks to get a clear reading and feel a bit better although Afib still arises with me at times. Nasty little virus although like one or the above comments I believe most people are considerably immune from its bad effects at this stage so no more vaccines for me.
no more vaccines for me either because I had the most appalling side effects from them
my husband on the other hand had no side effects whatsoever and he has had six of the vaccines