Hi I had a second ablation 2 weeks ago today. Everything went well and I felt happy and optimistic. Then a few days ago I went back into Af with an erractic heartbeat that is still continuing. Spoke to Arrythmia nurse and she advised this is quite common and I might need a cardioversion in 6 weeks after healing. I feel so disappointed had a lovely week and a half of feeling good now it feels I’m back to square one feeling so down. Anyone else had this at all?
2nd Ablation woes: Hi I had a second... - Atrial Fibrillati...
2nd Ablation woes

Not uncommon as we explain in our fact sheet on recovery. It takes at least threee months and often much longer to recover and the heart settle down so please don't be depressed. I shall add a link shortly to that fact sheet.
Yes the same happened to me. And they gave me a CV a few weeks later which allowed the heart to settle while waiting for the scarring to do its job. I was disappointed and sceptical because two previous CVs hadn’t kept me in NSR longer than a week. . But now, 8 months post ablation, I feel great and had no AF since! Good luck and take things very easy. Two weeks is no time at all.
Same boat waiting to see my Cardio/EP. Week 9 now post 2nd Ablation for me. Not looking good as back in AF.
Not spoken about next steps with my cardio/EP yet so can't comment on that. Like you feeling pretty dissapointed. This week swelling is causing me issues aswell.
Hope your symptoms improve.
I’m in the same position. I had an ablation on 9th May, back in AF 10 days later. Going in for a Cardioversion on Tuesday. Like you I have everything crossed! Good luck to you. X
I'm having a cardioversion today eight weeks after an ablation. I've been in symptomatic AF for all but two days of the eight weeks and on amiodarone for four weeks so keeping everything crossed that I go into, and stay in, sinus rhythm. I had to push to get the cardioversion. My consultant said there's still the possibility of going into NSR without one so don't get too down, it's early days for you.
Thank you for your kind words. I really hope you achieve NSR and it stays that way. It’s just so frustrating being in AF again. Fingers crossed for both of us.
Good luck for years of NSR Jo, let us know how it goes!
Thank you! Back in NSR first time. Heart rate of 65 down from 95 and no sensation of my heart throwing itself around, so I'm keeping everything crossed.
Same thing happened to me, I was only in NSR for 2 days after my 2nd ablation, 3 months later I had a successful cardioversion which lasted 20 months… I had a 4th cardioversion 3 months ago and so far I’m still in NSR. Good luck.
I know how you feel I had my 2nd ablation done on Tuesday, May 28/24. 1st one was done for Afib, Dec.7/23, this one for atrial flutter. Dr said I did go into Afib on the table but after ablating a flutter,I came out of it. He also said on discharge I may have to have another Afib ablation, it this one didn’t fix it. Was in NSR at the hospital came home and a few hours later went into Afib. I go in and out of Afib each day. Only since this ablation my HR has only reach a high of 123 once during Afib, my normal resting HR is around 41. Prior to this ablation my HR would be 140+. I’m trying to be optimistic, but I agree with you so disappointing especially when you hear of people never going back into Afib after being ablated. I’m still hopeful this is going to work, positive thinking, and doing what they told me and focusing on it takes 3 months to heal. Hang in there.
After my second Ablation I felt good for a couple of weeks then heart seemed to go haywire. However, 4 months laters and a couple of very short episodes of AF, things seem to be settling down. It has been mind over matter and my partner got me to do meditation and breathing exercises. Just gettng back into Yoga and that seems to have a calming effect. Perserverence, patience and trying to relax in trying circumstances (easier said than done I appreciate) seems to have helped me. Still getting ectopic beats and heart going from 75 to 95 occasionally for no apparant reason but still feeling much better. Good luck.
hey don’t panic!!!! I was exactly the same. I’m now four weeks after ablation and second weekend it started jitterbugging and was three days like it and I was fretting and I messaged this forum too. It suddenly left me I think I woke up and it was normal. Huge relief too!
It’s early days and it’s natural for us to be so heart aware eh, I hear and feel everything…..roll on the days when we can forget it….I feel I’m more relaxed now as time goes on
Hope yours calms soon