Well as promised an update and outcome of sorts. Day 46 in my local hospital CCU, up at 5.00am for an early prep for an op. I was first admitted on January 27th following a syncope (collapse) while running at myocal Parkrun. 3 days later a ventricular tachycardia was picked up on my implanted loop recorder (ILR)
My stay demonstrated the extreme pressure in the system so it was challenging to get specialist investigations, cardiac MRI and cardiac Sarcoidosis PET scan in a timely way adding to my time in hospital.
Tensions within the hospital to treat the symptoms and not chase the diagnosis was real.
Whatever the diagnosis there was always going to be an absolute need to manage and protect against the dangerous left ventricular tachycardia associated with an uncertain non-ischaemic scarring on the LV.
The pressure to treat and discharge won the day also wearing me down to, although I find it hard to not have a diagnosis as it leaves uncertainty for the future.
Today I had the latest version of Boston Scientific cardioverter and defibrillator fitted. Pacing has been set at low end HR 60 to control my longstanding benign bradycardia. This is important as bisoprolol is prescribed to knock off high end HR but this was reducing my resting HR to low 30's. At the top end it is set at 185 to enable me to exercise and not be setting off the device. My LVT was 23 seconds at 280bpm!
I have had a lot of time to read and review. I now am of the view that the myocardial infarction was most likely COVID related. The BHF have covered this in recent articles.
There remains a massive amount of adjustments moving forward. Thanks for the support expressed in my post from hospital.