Could anyone please advise of what my EP's strategy may be. I must explain that I have a history of ventricular tachycardia and Ido have an AICD implanted which has discharged multiple time. Yes I have been extremely lucky so far. I recently changed to a new EP who immediately placed a 24 hr. Holter monitor on me to see what is occurring. My first EP did not do this and I was not feeling well day to day for almost 1 year.
The result of my new EP's Holter Test was that I was having way too many pvc's at 32%. He then immediately took me off the propofenone the first EP was giving me and placed me on Sotalol 80mg 2x per day. Then the second Holter test showed that the pc's has now decreased to 4%. Hooray, I take any improvement as a victory!!! and he said this was a huge improvement.
My new EP is not very talkative and he is saying to simply remain on this regimen for the time being as a watch and see. I think since I am a new patient he is taking matters slowly and being diligent.
I am still trying to understand all that is happening and I hope someone is able to share with me if this regimen will fix my V-Tach issues and/or what might my new EP is thinking as a treatment? Are pvc's a cause Ventricular tachycardia? I thank all in advance and may happiness and good health be bestowed upon all.