Hi,70 year old male here. Two recent ablations. Last on was three years ago. Afib clear until Monday just gone.
Noticed lots of pvc's during Sunday night. Didn't feel too great that morning. l had a tooth extraction booked for that morning as well. Because it was becoming infected l went ahead and had it done.
My heart went into full blown Afib when l got home. This attack seemed 'different' to the ones before my last ablation so l opted not to take Flecainide as PIP. (I was worried it may do arm than good if it was something different to AF).
I called 111 and because of the AF and chest pain they sent an emergency ambulance.
I was taken to Maidstone Hospital. The second half of the journey under blue lights and siren as the medic was worried about what my heart was doing and l was feeling quite ill (nausea).
Straight into resus where they took the usual bloods chest x-ray etc. My heart went back into sinus rhythm by itself within a hour or so.. The Dr's and nurses were very good.
Now, the main point of this post (sorry to ramble !).
Tuesday was spent just taking things easy and l didn't feel too bad.
About 2am on Wednesday morning l woke up with a pain in my left chest which l could 'manoeuvre my body out of by lying on my back with my left arm above my head.
Wednesday was a bad day for the pain and feeling unwell. I tried taking paracetamol which had no effect. The pain did get better when l lay down. I did discover Solpadene helped to ease the pain.
Woke up this morning still the same pain in chest. Blood pressure also a bit high (170/90)- normally around the 125/74 mark.
Does anyone else on here suffer this sort of post AF pain or should l be going off to A&E?
Thanks for reading!