have any of you developed muscle pain with any of your medications? I am taking Eliquis, Metropolol, and Valsartin. My shoulders and area between shoulders and elbow has become so painful. I would appreciate any comments about this
have any of you developed muscle pain with any of your medications? I am taking Eliquis, Metropolol, and Valsartin. My shoulders and area between shoulders and elbow has become so painful. I would appreciate any comments about this
If you are taking a statin it is one of the side effects. You should report this to your GP or pharmacist. If it is the problem there’s other statins available. Hope this helps.
Not experienced anything like that.
I am on the same drugs and get pain in my legs sometimes. Try CoQu10 and Magnesium to help stop it.
Any Statins like Avorastatin or Eztimbre?
I had Metoprolol banned but breathless, no energy, sleeping alot and pauses.
Cheri JOY. 75. (NZ)
Thx. I’m going to discuss with Dr. I haven’t had AFib for 2 years so I hate to change anything but my shoulders are really painful
Looked Valstartan. Check Potassium level because supplements or bananas etc can rise your level and give you toxic levels.
Toxic levels give one muscle aches and another side effect of Valstarten is dizziness. Take at night it reads.
cheri JOY. 75. (NZ)
muscle aches are a known side effect of Valstartan. Please report this to your GP and discuss alternatives.
I got muscle and joint pain from Eloquis
I get muscle and joint pain from Apixaban especially in my lower back. It's really pain amplification as I have had problems for years. Apixaban just makes the pain worse. If I cut the dose it improves so I know that it is affecting the level of pain.
a common complaint of many on anticoagulants is arm, leg, shoulder and joint pain. Xarelto and Eliquis especially. I have heard of some who have had better results with pradaxa.
Yes, and horrible fatigue. I asked my dr if I could take half the dose and she agreed, but still had aching leg muscles. I stopped taking Nebivolol and I am fine. My reasoning is that the Heart is a muscle also, and is the heart weaking too? Is that why a side effect is heart failure?
Hi, Apixaban can cause joint pain or swelling, lots of sites on google especially US ones mention this, but NHS don't. Personal experience is my arthritis is worse since I switched from warfarin to apixaban.